Two years into our marriage – Have been getting thoughts of separation because my partner doesn’t want to have sex and despite of efforts things aren’t progressing. But I’m having a hard time accepting what life would be without them. I feel pukish at that thought. I feel I am way too emotionally dependant. But the current situation isn’t working for my mental health either. I’m absolutely lost.

  1. Maybe sit down with your partner and have a serious conversation about the situation. Maybe you guys will get to the root of the problem (low sex drive/ work stress.etc) and can work on that together. I also recommend just taking the time to spend proper quality time with your significant other. Maybe it’s just the daily routine and all you guys need to do is spice up things again 😊

  2. Obviously you cannot stay married to a partner who does not want sex. There really is nothing more to discuss: game over. Get a divorce.

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