Hello everyone,

I went on a date with girl I met on Tinder this week. We were messaging for 2 weeks and everything was fine, we want to find same thing on Tinder and we had some common things.

But, after a date(afternoon walk around lake), she said that she doesn’t see any meaning of proceeding our relationship. She said that walk was good, far from bad, but we didn’t click.

I am depressed since than. People around me are asking if I am ok because from happy person I became sad and quiet in one afternoon.

The thing is, I don’t get many dates and that can be a reason why is this hurting me so much. There aren’t many women who give me attention and are willing to spend time with me.

How to move on without blaming myself for another defeat and killing myself and my self-esteem? How to be better next time, click with a girl, and get at least second date?
I don’t blame her, she does have opportunity to choose.

Thank you all.

  1. Alright, so I feel you 100%

    I’ve only ever been on 1 date on my life, she ghosted me a week later. This was around this past valentines too. And then before that, I’ve only ever been constantly rejected. And yeah, it sucks, will always suck, and im still picking up some of my self esteem and stuff. But what helped me atleast, I buried myself in a goal. At the time, I had this huge exam that would be my first step into my career that was 2 months away, yk what I did, when I wasn’t working or wasn’t with friends, I was constantly studying and focusing on that.

    Since I’ve passed the exam, now I’m working on getting fit, been working out constantly and jsut focusing on that and doing the things I enjoy on top of that, like watching movies, playing games etc.

    Basically, my advice is yeah, it sucks, it’s gonna take time, until then, give yourself an achievable goal, like learning a new skill or something, just do that and until you get to your goal, and also do your hobbies and jsut do things you enjoy, distract yourself and keep yourself busy

  2. Rejection sucks but it’s part of dating and if you’re scared of rejection you’re never going to successfully date.
    I personally don’t think tinder is a good app to find quality relationships if that’s what you’re looking for. Your dream girl isn’t going to come knocking on your door. Go to places you think you would find her and frequent those places / become a regular you’ll get to know the other regulars / people who have same interests as you.
    Hope it gets better for you!

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