I’ve (25F) gotten closer to this guy (25M) who is my classmate in the past few months and we talk when we see in school and over the course of two months, we hung out twice outside school and had sex the second hangout (at my place). He acts like he likes me in person and he’s nice to me and I like him and haven’t seen any significant red flags so far however he doesn’t initiate contact unless he sees me in person. He doesn’t call me or text me unless it’s pertaining to plans we made to hang out when we saw in person.

We cuddled all night after we had sex but didn’t speak for days after. I texted him a few days ago and he was enthusiastic but we basically just made small talk and didn’t talk about our situation. I’m not prepared to ask the ‘What are we?’ question because of some past experiences and surely, if he liked me he’d initiate contact but we go weeks without talking and make plans when we see in person which isn’t frequently because we’re doing different postings even though we are classmates.

Does he like me or he’s just not interested enough? Is there something I should be doing or not doing? Should I just move on?

1 comment
  1. He doesn’t seem interested enough, sorry. And to me, it seems evident from the lack of communication that happens when he is physically away from you.

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