So i meet this girl 6 months ago, we started to hang out and became really good and close friends, in the past 3 months we started to hang out almost daily, talk about everything, we realised that we have same type of personality and same way of thinking. In the course of last 3 moths i fell in love with her, but there is a problem, she is a lesbian. At first i tried to shake of my feelings for her, then she started flerting with me, I started to flert back, then we shake it of with she is a lesbian. We do it almost everyday. A few nights ago we were walking through the city, and there was some issue on the street and she decided to give me a hand all of the sudden. And i noticed a few times she looks at me in a funny way, also comments on my look what should i do better and what suits me better. We also have same braclet with ,,His mouse/Her cat,, and it started as a joke but now we wear it daily. I really dont know what to do, i love her as the person and im really attracted to her personality, she is the girl i was always dreaming off. She gives me this type of signals but i dont want to make a move or talk about it. Im scared to lose her as a good friend or disrespect her by making a move and question her orientation. Im open to all suggestions 🙂

  1. If she is a good friend, I would be honest with her and tell her how you’re feeling, but as open as you are here and let her know, you respect everything about her and just want her advice on how to navigate your relationship. Make sure she knows you’re not expecting anything of her, and just want to know what her thoughts are on the matter. That’s what I’d do, but hopefully someone else ways in, who has actually had experience with a similar situation.

  2. It’s not quite the same, but I had asked out a friend that is ace, and I didn’t know it. We went to dinner anyways then she explained the fact that she wasn’t interested. We’re still quite good friends and while I don’t flirt with her, she does seem fine with the fact that I’d still sleep with her any time, though I make an extra effort to not ever bring that up

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