So in the amount of time we’ve known each other we’ve had sex twice(he actually took my virginity). I told him I’d like to have more sex then we do and he agreed yet he’s always busy or doesn’t have time when I want to fuck, but when he does have time which is slim to none he expects me to want to fuck when he’s ready. Recently i gave him a bj for the first and he loved it and so did I after that we made plans to hookup(I was on my period at the time) and he talked up a big game how he couldn’t wait to fuck me and have me suck his dick so I was beyond ready, but the day we were suppose to get together he was moving into his new apartment and was “tired” I kinda understood his excuse because it is exhausting, but honestly our conversations are surface level if it isn’t involving sex and he takes long to reply so should I move on?

Is he even interested in me or am I forcing something that’s not there.

  1. I have been in situations like this… if he was really interested he would be making the time for you, there are men out there who will so I would say move on

  2. Tell him how u feel and that u really care for him. Shit since he has an apartment pop up on him. All this attention your giving him he shouldn’t take your time lightly.

  3. He’s got other options. You can either move on or make him your side FWB too while you look for a main one

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