At the beginning of our relationship.. he touched me while I was sleeping, he said he wouldn’t do it again but did once. Then a couple of years go by, things are ok, we get married.. however, a few weeks ago I wake up with my pants being pulled up and he has just been half penetrating me. We are going to counseling but I don’t know how to move on? I find it difficult to be attracted to him sexually after all of these incidents.. will it ever come back?

  1. Do you know why he does it? Is it like a fetish he has? Maybe therapy and counseling can help

  2. That’s interesting, it’s not good because you’ve told him previously that you didn’t like it, so he shouldn’t have done it again.

    I actually like when my husband initiates while I’m sleeping, I like being lulled out of sleep by his touch, but I feel very safe with him, and if I told him I never wanted him to do that again, he wouldn’t.

  3. I can’t understand why a man who is married to you, who you presumably have sex with willingly, would want to abuse you in your sleep. But I guess rapists are messed up like that.

    Not that it would be excusable even if you weren’t having sex with him.

    If you do stay with him (not that you should) I would have him checked by a psychiatrist for a paraphilia (frotteurism) and get counseling.

  4. No, it won’t come back while he continues to do this without your consent.
    You need to sit down and have a honest and open conversation about how you are not his property to do whatever he wishes to, and find out why he’s doing this when you’ve expressed you don’t like it.
    If he can’t open up and be honest about it, I would be seeking outside help.

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