I (20M) recently started dating someone (19) and I do not know if being sexual with this person is the best thing rn
For context: Before we started dating we talked about a lot stuff including green flags and red flags and one of their redflags was “Being a very horny person” and I said that that wasnt a problem for me because I am too. Today they sent me a vid that kinda indicated that they were finished using a toy that they bought recently, so I don’t know if that is like some kind of signal for me to start doing similar things or if I should keep being not that direct in that aspect, what should I do?

Edit: Last night I talked to them about it and we’ve come to an agreement about it so… Yeah, I lnow what to do know. Thank you

1 comment
  1. Do what you feel comfortable doing, if you want to start with sexual things then go for it. If they don’t like it so be it, time for more communication and boundary discussions, but you shouldn’t walk on eggshells in any kind of relationship.

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