tl;dr friend told me to stop talking after she got married

Hi, me 27m was friends with her 30f as we were working in the same office. And she used to tell all her personal stories till she got married last month with a 32m guy. I even went to their marriage. But after marriage, is completely different. Apparently they had some disagreements regarding me. And now she decided to stop talking personal things.

I always liked talking with her just random things. Now suddenly she just want to talk work stuff.. i know she is married and all. And to be honest it is more of a “okay, i have this person to share my frustrations and hi byes “.

What should I do now.. i just said.. ” dude, do whatever you want” and cut the call . It’s not like she didn’t like talking the personal talks. It’s just the guy didn’t like(?).

  1. I get why this is upsetting, but this is a boundary she set for her marriage and you should be respectful of it, even if it is unfair.

  2. Understandably you feel hurt and offended. Unfortunately she can do whatever she wants. I don’t think you should have been rude and hung up on her.. that kind of shows maybe why they don’t like you talking to her to be honest.

  3. **What exactly do you think you can do?**

    She’s a co-worker, not a real friend. She has decided to not talk about personal stuff with you… and that is her decision. You are now a co-worker to her and it’s silly to even try to change or mind or whatever it is you are asking about here.

    Go work on some actual friends to share you life with, not co-workers.

  4. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You have every right to be upset that your friend showed you they aren’t a good friend. Moving forward, treat her like anyone else you don’t care about. Do what you need to do to remain professional, but don’t do her any favors. If she tries making small talk remind her that, per her request, you are no longer friends.

  5. Respect her boundaries. If she doesn’t feel it’s appropriate to talk about personal stuff due to being married deal with it.

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