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  1. Important to note that with ranked voting we would probably have a very different result, considering “protest of some kind” had *two* options and “lick the boot” just *one*.
    (The first two options combined would be a bit more than the third).

    Fucking scabs.

  2. This protest would have gone a lot better if the demand was “we will shut down all subs for two weeks if Reddit doesn’t deliver a highly accelerated roadmap for accessible support and mod features that are in parity with 3rd party options today”.

    This whole “protect the third party” narrative was meaningless for the VAST majority of users who are on the native app or web.

  3. its better than nothing. but tbf its really silly. if you have went through all the bbs down turn over the 2010s you know you wont stop that. if there is a mass migration that would happen, facebook would have been dead by now and we do not have to do anything for reddit.

    tbf this kind of decision come out of someone who is actually 30+ is very absurd to me.

  4. booooo, ya’ll can’t even go 3 days without your subreddit? What kind of display of protest is that? Pathetic snowflakes.

  5. It gives me a chance to think over this place. Somehow I feel like some recent topics here are like people studying “how 30+ are like?” and our answers & response are like part of their research projects sources.

    Perhaps just keep this subreddit closed instead of public?

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