I \[20F\] have always wondered when someone is going down on me and they say “you taste so good” or something along those lines if they actually mean it? I’m not the biggest dirty talker myself, so I feel like I’m not sure how many white lies go into dirty talking. How often do you say something and not mean it? If you say someone tastes good, do you mean it? When I’ve gone down on people it just kind of tastes like…vagina?

  1. To me, it does taste very good, so in my case I’m not lying. I am a guy so it may be different for me. I don’t get to taste vagina every day, so I crave it and every time I taste it it’s amazing. I would take it as a compliment and know that you do taste great😊

  2. For me, it means I’m telling a lady that:

    1: I enjoy how she tastes straight up.

    2: I am open for cunnilingus to be a continual addition to sex between us.

    3: Am trying to turn her on by acknowledging how she tastes, and how much I want to keep tasting her. By vocalizing it, I’d hope to avoid her wondering how she tastes, and if I’m doing it just to placate her or reciprocate for something else.

    4: I needed a breather from eating her out, so I’ve pulled my tongue away to catch my breath and told her this to buy me some time before I dive back in.

    I’ve never said it and have it been a lie. I’ve always enjoyed the taste, and knowing that that taste coincides with my partner feeling pleasure only makes me want it more.

  3. I always do the honest dirty talk. If it’s not honest and genuine, dirty talk doesn’t work. Someone’s taste can definitely be a huge turn on

  4. It’s hard to say if you’re having to force yourself not to retch violently and want to throw up because it tastes bad. Someone would have to be both an accomplished liar and have a very powerful resistance to their gag reflex in order to pull that feat off. So I would say that unless someone is giving you reason to believe otherwise, you should probably believe them, especially if they’re enthusiastic about performing oral sex on you and good at it.

    In general, if someone is powerfully sexually attracted to another person, then they should enjoy the smell of that person’s junk when clean and healthy, and taste follows from that same paradigm. Being incredibly aroused at the time tends to help matters along, too, as it makes most people more receptive to and interested in sexual sounds, smells, and tastes along with direct sexual touch.

    There is also a lot to be said for the mentality of existing in the moment while turned on and having sex with someone whom one wants to fuck. It can make any number of things palatable or at least more tolerable that might otherwise be viewed as gross from a rational standpoint while in an unaroused state. One of the most notable would probably be blood, where a lot of people would not be terribly excited to get covered in someone else’s blood but change the equation by having them both be horny and maybe they’ll be down to earn their red wings after all.

  5. I’ve said that a few times in my life and the only reason I said it was because I thought they tasted good. I don’t try to “dirty talk”, I don’t try to manufacture something to say to spice up sex. If I’m talking during sex, I’m simply saying what I’m thinking. In those particular instances, what I was thinking was *she tasted good*.

  6. I don’t know why, but when my partner’s ass is clean it genuinely tastes kinda good.

  7. I’ve had enough experience to know that not all women taste the same and some do taste better than others. My wife has always had a pleasant aroma and does taste good. Is it the same as chocolate cake? Well, maybe not, but it isn’t like spinach or rhubarb either.

    She is very healthy, clean, routinely works out, and we have very good balanced diets with very little junk foods. Not to get too descriptive, but she creams when she orgasms which can be a fair amount and it is also very pleasant which I find it a huge turn on.

    Is a man being turned on by tasting her vagina while she cums because of what he is doing a factor in tasting good? I’m sure it is, but I mean it and often tell her how good she tastes.

  8. It’s always a positive but sometimes it’s less about the flavour itself which might sometimes be unremarkable, and more of a “the fact that I *am* tasting you right now makes me *feel* good” because it’s a turn on in many ways to get intimate orally and to enjoy the biological cues your partner gives when you’re providing them pleasure. It’s often more complex than just taste.

    But also, sometimes it *is* just a nice taste!

  9. Lmao no one would ever order dick/pussy at a restaurant but it’s just something hot to say in the moment.

    If you say you’d order a cup of jizz I stg

  10. Taste is subjective.

    I was curious too OP, many many moons ago. Tasted myself. It’s great. They weren’t lying.

  11. Yes. definitive.

    Small fun fact: if you are aroused, the disgust tolerance increases. Very few would put pussy juice on their corn flakes the next day. But if they lick you, it’s a good taste

  12. Fuck, yeah. When my wife is a little horny and wet, she tastes like Turkish delight to Edmund

  13. I usually mean “you don’t taste bad”. It’s not a taste I like, but a taste I can tolerate while I do what I love doing

  14. I read a book by a cis-woman who worked in porn who hated the taste of pussy. It’s could be a test of sexuality: if a woman likes the taste of another woman’s pussy, she is probably gay. For me (cis-man), it is delicious when the woman is aroused but a sweaty unwashed vulva can smell and taste awful.

  15. It may not always be the case but more often than not they mean it. Ask your partner. I think there is psychological aspect. You taste good because it’s you. They love and are connected with you.

  16. I concur I see no reason for lying and I love for 5 or 10 minutes to enjoy eating out the box. I don’t eat things I don’t like the taste of.

  17. They may be embellishing a little bit, but nobody who doesn’t like the taste will lie and say they do. So you can rest assured that at the very least, it’s neutral

  18. I’ve said it many times with my current GF, she tastes good. I say it both because I mean it, but another important thing is that I try to get her relaxed and show her that I like what I’m doing down there.

    I try to make her feel that I really enjoy doing it, saying it tastes good, is one of many things I do.

    I would be very weird for me to say it from time to time, If I actually did not mean it.

  19. I think it depends on the person, me personally I’ve never not meant it if somebody tastes good and you kinda know if you want to be down in the trenches for more than like 15 minutes/half hour etc 😊

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