I (22M) am the type of person that likes knowing what people are up to and how they’ve been. It makes me feel more connected and it’s also just interesting to me to hear about other people’s journeys. It also helps me know where I’m at relative to other people who come from similar backgrounds. In recent times I’ve reached out to people from middle school, high school and even preschool to see what they’re doing. These are mostly people that I was only loosely connected to. However, a couple people have left me on read and I’m now wondering if this is a normal thing to do. Is it strange to reach out to people like this?

Clarification: I don’t mean total strangers, I mean people I was in study groups with, people I hung out with occasionally, etc.

  1. It’s not weird at all. I’ve had people reach out to me who I barely knew previously. Start by liking their stuff on Instagram, maybe commenting occasionally. I don’t really know what’s normal for guys on social media, but i’ve made friends by literally having other girls comment compliments on my posts and vice versa, which broke the ice and made it easier to message eachother and arrange to hang out

  2. To me it is but not everyone will agree. I tried it once or twice. The internet makes things feel worse than they really are but for me I ran into a few of those same people and only then would they want to talk or try and get to know me. You’ll likely have better luck reaching out to people you used to work with than you would people you used to go to school with.

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