My partner and I came up with this idea during dirty talk at the weekend. We are both comfortable with the other having a sexual fling, but not a relationship, if we are in a different city or country from each other.

The only ground rules are that we have to tell each other. I’m into it, and she’s the one who suggested it.

She’s objectively hotter than me, but I stay in nice hotels for work and look good in a suit and have had plenty of opportunities.

The problem is, neither of us wants to go first!

The only ground rules we have so far are:
– Don’t travel just to have pre-arranged sex with someone else specially, it has to be spontaneous
– no sex workers – happy endings are fine though

Has anyone else tried this? I’d love to hear stories of her getting fucked. I get turned on when she tells me what she did with her exes.

  1. Keep in mind, this may be a very one-sided situation. Most of the time, the woman have a very easy time getting partners in open relationships. It’s a lot more difficult for men.

  2. I don’t see this ending well. Space + other partners just leads to heartbreak for someone. But long distance relationships have a success percentage slightly above 0 even in the best conditions. So you might as well try it.

  3. Those rules just cause problems. just make it open. See how it goes. As a man making rules like yours will make it almost impossible to find a willing partner.

    Usually to find one it takes planning.. and catching someone in the right mood at the right time. It’s tough. The rules will pretty much not make it possible for him.


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