anyone else say shit like “you too” when like the barista says “enjoy your coffee” or “enjoy your food”?? 💀💀 brb lemme go hide..

  1. Urgh .. I have developed a habit recently of saying “And You ..” if someone says anything like “Have a good/nice day” or anything like that.

    Can I hide behind you ? 🤣

  2. Feel you on that, I always say have a great weekend when going shopping on Mondays xD

  3. When I was a barista people would say that to me all the time. I thought it was sweet and it always made me chuckle because I used to get so embarrassed whenever I said “you too” to my barista before that job.

    We’re honestly just happy someone is being nice to us half the time. Don’t change

  4. Say happy birthday afterwards. The «you too» will feel less awkward.

    Being serious, try and say it intentionally a few days in a row at every random encounter you can. It’ll make you realize that is not that bad as it may seem at the moment and help you not being that harsh on yourself after such situations.

  5. I do this with the person checking tickets at the movie theater. Them: Enjoy the movie! Me: You too! I mean- [brain goes brrr]

  6. As someone who gets this all the time, it’s really not anywhere near as embarrassing as most people make it out to be. I know what you meant, and I appreciate it.

  7. Ohh yeah, stewards when exiting a plane, when people say happy birthday. Tbf I have a twin so I at least have some chance if the “you too” being accurate

  8. On mother’s day one of my friend’s older brother wished me a happy mother’s day and i said “happy mother’s day to you too”😭😭

  9. If somebody else does it I barely even notice, but if I do it it haunts me for the rest of my life

  10. I got that a lot being a barista we know what you mean, don’t worry about it.

  11. If it makes you feel better recently my dad’s friend said congratulations to me for something and i said the same, infront of people

  12. It’s really about the sentiment – people appreciate that you were nice back regardless. Plus I imagine a little amusement breaks up the monotony in the line of work where this is a bit routine.

  13. Sure, me too.

    Also, when people whish you a happy birthday, and you tell them “thank you, tou too”

  14. Follow it up real quick with an acknowledgement.

    “Yep I just did that.”

  15. Go slow. Take your time. That happens because you are moving too fast. Observe older people.

  16. Lol yeah i dont let it bother me now gurantee theyre not going to think about it for more than 5 mins. It is awkward though 😂

  17. Too often. I’ve usually already moved on thinking the exchange is over so when I hear “you too” it catches me off guard and I panic respond.

  18. At least you didn’t say “no thank you please” when the waiter asked if I wanted water. 🫠🫠🫠😂

  19. Yesterday, a girl stopped me on the street to tell me about the organisation she works in that helps stray animals. She asked me to subscribe to their social media and consider donating them, I subscribed and said that I’ll think about donating to them, when I was already going away, she said, “Thank you” and I automatically started to say “Thank you”, but understood that it’s stupid mid sentence and it turned out something like “Thankhght…”. This Is So Cringe.

  20. I was leaving a house full of people after my birthday party and someone wished me happy birthday as I was leaving and I said “thanks you too” 😂 embarrassed at the time but funny to look back on!

  21. When I show my movie ticket and they say “enjoy your movie” and I say “yOu ToO” raaagg

  22. Just laugh about it, thru probably think it’s funny too. They won’t care at all. Embarrassing stuff happens to people every day and the moment passes.

  23. Just laugh and go “I mean, thank you”. It’s only you that’s making it awkward!

  24. I was at the movie theater and the dude selling the tickets said “enjoy the movie!” Yeah I said you too! My date though it was hilarious.

  25. Reminds me of an awkward conversation I had yesterday when parting ways with this friend of a friend. He said it was nice meeting you. And my awkward self responded with “me too”. I am still pretty happy that I took my friend on his invite to hangout and have a coffee with him instead of putting it down. Hey, at least we are trying right?

  26. Lmaoo I think this is pretty common I think I’ve said this on accident before a few times

  27. I was a server for a summer and whenever someone would say “you too” to me it would just make me smile. Like other people have said, it’s kinda cute lol

    You’re good!

  28. That kind of makes sense.
    A cashier said to me “goodbye!” after they rang me up and I responded with “you too!”

  29. 😂😭😂 don’t feel bad I’ve made this mistake a few times but, it’s not constant

  30. As a former server, I always thought it was funny when I told them to enjoy and got a “you too”. If I were feeling particularly playful I’d respond with a “thanks I will!” bc there are many things for us to enjoy in in life 🙂 it’s the little things.

  31. Personally, I like to imagine it as a future-compliment in that case. Like, sure. Rn, she’s not drinking coffee. But she might drink it later. So my reply “you [enjoy your coffee] too” is meant for then, in the worst case.

    Servants are used to hearing that probably too. But it makes me feel less awkward nevertheless.

  32. As someone who has many years of customer service experience in a range of industries, I can guarantee you that this happens to almost everyone, and there’s no need to be embarrassed because the person serving you won’t even remember it happening because it’s so commonplace.

    My favourite was when I worked at a cinema and when I would say “enjoy the movie!” So many people would reply with “you too!” And then look mortified.

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