Hi folks

I’m visiting manchester this weekend and wanted to book a room through airbnb. They are relativly cheap in moston. Should I avoid Moston area? Ive heard some mixed opinions.
What to expect?


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  2. Manc here, i’d strongly suggest looking elsewhere. There’s a reason it’s cheap.

  3. Used to live there for about a year. In that time I saw a full-on police raid across the street, saw my neighbour chase a man out of his house with an axe, had to comfort a drunk woman at my door who I’m pretty sure had been drugged and assaulted, and also one time a man was stabbed to death 150m from my house while his daughter was also in the house with him. Moston sucks fucking BALLS and should be nuked into oblivion. So yeah, avoid it.

  4. You’re gonna get a lot of snobby replies about how rough it is.

    You’re not gonna go there on your summer holidays but it’s fine for a one night pit stop.

  5. Moston is definitely a rough area. There are almost certainly some nice parts but I’ve never seen them. I’d be very wary.

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