I was checked for a UTI, yeast infection, STIs (even though partner and I are both monogamous) but it all came up as fine, no issues. She gave me a pelvic exam but the only thing even of note was that my IUD strings were a little harder to reach than she expected, but she said my IUD could just have shorter strings than she thought and she didn’t seem worried.

Almost immidiately after we have sex I start to get period-like cramps, like full on stomach to lower back, basically the whole pelvic area. and they last several days and up to a week or more after. If we have sex again before the cramps stop the cramping gets considerably worse. Pressing down on my lower stomach can also cause some similar pain but not nearly as significant.

We took a short break where we weren’t having sex as much and the pain went away but that’s not sustainable, Obviously we aren’t going to stop having sex long term. but its a huge drag. I just spent an entire vacation in physical pain because we had sex the day before we left.

I know you guys aren’t doctors but my Dr doesn’t know what’s happening so I figured you guys may have at least some ideas for things it could possibly be.

Edit: reading over my post I realize that the way I worded it implied that I have sex with my Dr. I do not lol, my Dr. Is very professional. By “we” I mean my fiancee and I.

  1. >Almost immidiately after we have sex I start to get period-like cramps, like full on stomach

    Any chance he’s hitting your cervix during sex? Hitting the cervix can cause period-like cramps and it’s also possible you’re hitting a nerve as well.

    You can get a penis bumper or some squishy c-rings and put those around the base of the penis to help prevent this.

    I’m not an expert in IUDs but I wonder if hitting the cervix can irritate your IUD at all.

    If I were you I’d try the penis bumper idea then maybe get the IUD removed as the next troubleshooting step.

  2. I had an IUD, had similar pains. It didn’t last as long as yours but the cramps were extremely painful. I eventually had to get my IUD removed. I know if my cervix gets poked it’s extremely painful, even now.

  3. X kept having that issue and alotta times during and it about ruined us.. I’m not a dick, I really felt bad the she then me… but after the 1st dozen times it got old and we both lost interest over like a yr n half… It was always random, found a little lump on ovary Dr said, “could be it…” bc helped shrink it but .. gd luk

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