I hooked-up awkwardly with a girl, but everything was consensual. I decided to block her just because I felt like I couldn’t recover from it, so during the next day, I went about my business and went out to drink, the day after that. I realized I was a bit harsh and I decided to unblock her. I sent her a request, after a day of being blocked, she gladly accepted my follow after 5 hours and followed me back. We met with our friends during that night, she playfully asked me why I blocked her and she said that she only found it funny but did it really? During the next day in the evening, she asked again about it and I still refused to tell her. We still follow each other on Instagram and talked for a while, but I wanted to ask what would you have felt if this happened to you?

  1. It’s really tough to be on your side. Blocking someone after an awkward hook up is so so low. I get it, awkward hook ups hurt but if she’s nice enough to chat to u after that, it’s a bit sad that u kinda treated her like that

  2. The best thing was to move past it , I’ve always found blocking immature and communication is best , she might have been thinking about it that could lead to overthinking , just tell her straight at this point.

  3. >I decided to block her just because I felt like I couldn’t recover from it, so during the next day,


  4. Communication is key. Is there a reason you couldn’t just say it was awkward, and you were embarrassed? Best case, you hash out things to get better at sex. Worst case you block each other and move on.

  5. I am a woman and know a lot of women and I can’t think of one that would find it funny to have a guy have sex with her and then block her. Sad? Angry? Hurt? Rejected? Insecure? Maybe even neutral? Sure. Happy/funny? No. She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to be honest so she said what she thought would break the ice best and make you be honest. It is immature to block people like that.

    So why did you block her? Because she was “awkward” or you were? And what does “awkward” mean?

  6. you’re a fucking idiot. who the hell blocks people for no reason, so immature. Leave her alone, she deserves better than you. And dont hook up with people untill you are mature enough to treat them respectfully afterwards. Dickhead.

  7. I am maybe too old to understand this, because I have no clue about what is going on here.

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