My (21m) gf (20f) always takes a long time to text back. Weve been seeing each other since november and officially dating since march. When we are together it’s amazing and we talk for hours, which says a lot because we’re both pretty reserved and quiet people.

It can go from days to weeks without hearing from her through text or phone call though. Currently we are on day 10 of not speaking to each other. We didn’t leave things off badly at all the last time we saw each other though. We had a great time going out to eat then we spent some time with her family.

I’ve texted her 3 times in that 10 days. Once at the beginning of each week to try to make plans and once in between talking about a Tonys performance I saw on youtube. She loves musicals so I thought she would enjoy it.

How could I bring this up in a polite way so that we could have a productive conversation about it? I’m not upset at all, just concerned that this could lead to misunderstandings down the road. 10 days without talking to her isn’t the end of the world because I’m not dependent on her. It’s just that she’s my gf and I enjoy spending time with her.

Gf (20f) hasn’t responded to me (21m) in 10 days. How do I politely bring this up so we can discuss it?

  1. What does “girlfriend” mean? Are you exclusive? If so, it strikes me as very strange indeed not to hear from your girlfriend for ten days. If not, well, she’s a woman you’re dating, not your girlfriend, and it might not be strange at all.

  2. It sounds like she isn’t into you. If she’s into someone, she’ll text him back right away.

  3. She may be using it as a way to breadcrumb you. To make you feel desperate for her contact and anxious when she doesn’t reply. Being in an exclusive relationship, I can’t even imagine going a full day without even texting my partner. 10 days is insane. Especially if you have texted her throughout. Does she read the ones you sent? Has she explained why she goes dark for so long? It just seems a little weird.

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