TW: Slight mentions of depression/suicide.
I’ve struggled with chronic depression for about five years now. I had to drop out of high school after I attempted suicide. If it wasn’t for my mental health, I would’ve graduated this year.

Anyway, senior prom’s in two weeks. My parents have already paid for it, even though I didn’t have a say in it. I’ve got really bad social anxiety, and I hate being around tons of people. I haven’t talked to anyone I went to school with in over three years, so I don’t have anyone to go to prom with. I know I won’t be missed if I don’t go, but because my parents have already paid for it, I have to go; it’s not really up to debate anymore. I probably won’t have anybody to talk to there, and I probably won’t have a table to sit at. What should I do? How can I make the time pass while I’m there?

Thank you 🙂

1 comment
  1. Sounds like your parents are trying to help you, but not very well.

    One choice is to go, and go with a mental state of “I am going to enjoy myself no matter what” sounds like you are going to be older than everyone else. So go, watch the clumsy and ham fisted interactions. Be entertained by them, like you are watching a play, put on for your enjoyment.

    If you feel the anxiety rising, keep saying to yourself “I’m going to enjoy myself no matter what”

    Or you can decide not to go. The most important thing right now is to protect your mental health.

    Do you have access to a counsellor? Can you get some support from a professional to help you decide how to handle this.

    You can go, you can go and have fun, or at least be entertained. But you don’t have to.

    Perhaps deciding that it is your choice might help you.

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