I moved across the world for him. He is a semi successful musician so he tours a lot.
I wouldn’t mind him being away so much, but when I reach out for support. He is too tired for it.
We never do anything when he is back. He is too tired. He won’t ever talk to me – more at me. I know he loves me but I just feel so deeply that he is not able to break out of this inability to give me emotional support.
I am so alone here, I only have acquaintances – I sent him a message explaining I understand how tired he is but I need to be able to talk sometimes about how I feel and have him there for me…I havent left the house in days as I feel so lost..He just ignored the message.
– I have been step mother to his daughter who I love.
– I work all the time and now I am burned out.
– I don’t feel like an equal
– I feel like my head is right in saying leave this man who ignores you when you are desperate for some help.
– When I feel like I wont see him again, or how I will be if I break up – I honestly can’t breathe for misery. But I also feel like if my life doesnt change I just won’t ever be happy.
I am trying so hard and feel so alone and lost right now. I don’t know how to get help.
We are supposes to marry – I would be his third wife….I don’t know if that adds anything or not. I feel like I am drowning in depression

TLDR – partner neglects me emotionally.

1 comment
  1. Leave for your own sanity. You can live without him, he’s not here for you anyway – physically and emotionally. You’re too young to be in such a relationship. There’s nothing you get out of this relationship but grief. No wonder if he has 2 ex-wives… they probably went through the same thing. I feel for you and his poor daughter.

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