I am going to keep this short. A few weeks ago, I bought a flight and accommodation package for a holiday trip to a country my then girlfriend always wanted to visit. Let’s call her Jen. I intended to surprise her on her birthday which is in a couple of weeeks. I was on my lunch break to get some food at a cafe and I bumped into her sister We chatted for a bit and she asked me what I was planning to do for Jen’s birthday. I told her my plan and immediately her face turned blank. That’s when she told me Jen has been cheating on me a couple of times and she could no longer keep it secret. I went to confront Jen after work about it. She denied at first but eventually she admitted to doing it a few times during our 2 year relationship. I packed my stuff and left to stay at my uncle’s place. A few days later, i texted her sister to thank her for being honest and she asked if we could talk in person. She and Jen are no longer speaking to each other so I agreed. We met for a coffee and talked about the situation. She then asked what i was going to do about the trip, I said i was going to cancel it. She then asked if she can go with me instead of cancelling. She explained she needs space away from drama as her family is siding against her. Her only condition is to have separate beds. I told her I will think about it. Now I feel like I need a much needed time away and I also wanted to visit that country. i don’t have anyone to go that has time to travel with. And I am not romantically interested in her. Thoughts?

  1. That’s a whole whole lot of drama to subject yourself to. Cancel and move on – or go yourself. If you think it’s bad now, imagine having a whole family mad at you for driving a wedge between sisters.

    I guess if you’re feeling magnanimous you could let her go by herself. (She might take her sister, who knows.).

    Get some space from this situation so you can put it behind you and move on.

  2. Seems kinda shady on the sister side, like she purposely brought up the secrets of your ex so she could go with you on vacation???

    Nahh, cant you sell the tickets you have for your ex?? I dont really see why the sister should go with you, just because she told you your ex was cheating?? What was her ulterior motive for doing that, question yourself. I dont trust the sister

  3. It was wonderful of her to help you out.

    It will invite drama if you invite her sister, even as just a trevelling companion, but tbh who gives a rats arse what your ex thinks at this point.

    I would get everything out of your shared living space/arrange to break the lease before you go away.

  4. Don’t take her sister. That’s asking for a while lot of problems. Take another friend or cancel.

  5. Dear Penthouse….

    If this is real… if you’re not interested in her sister, I’d say…do not take her. She may be interested in you and you may give the wrong impression to her (not to your ex) that you may be interested in ‘hooking up’ with her. Plus, it’s actually going to make things worse for her in front of her family’s eyes if she runs off on a holiday with you. She’s going to have to go back home eventually and face the wrath, double wrath.

    Plus, you don’t want a ‘cockblocker.’ You never know that you may meet some ‘fun holiday fling’ after your break up.

    BUT. If you can get a refund, you probably should go for that.

  6. She was only honest with you in the hopes of a free trip. All this time she could have told you but she didn’t. Don’t be a fool and don’t stoop to your ex level by dallying with her sister to get back at her. Even if it is platonic it’s an AH move. Plus I wouldn’t trust the sister or her intentions even if after 2 years she decided to tell you her sister was cheating on you. Remove yourself from those toxic sisters.

    Edited for all the typos

  7. Go alone or bring a different friend. You don’t need this kind of drama

    Edit: Grammar. I kept seeing it every time someone commented.

  8. That is a terrible idea. That sister is so shady omg. She’s known you’ve been cheated on for years but now that this fabulous trip comes up she suddenly can’t hold it in any longer? Come on man. Use your brain a little. Just take someone else.

  9. The sister only told you about the cheating because she wants a free holiday, don’t take her

  10. bad idea. probably the last person on the planet you should look to as a replacement travel buddy.

  11. Whatever her intentions are inviting her will only create more chaos for yourself. Cancel the trip altogether or go by yourself, this would be a perfect time for you to reset and refocus all your energy on building a new beginning for yourself. Love yourself enough to walk away from the situation entirely and treat yourself you deserve it after all. Love and light

  12. I have to reiterate, this sister is 100% playing you. She was jealous of you taking her sister, blew the whole thing up so the sister couldn’t go, and now is willing to possibly permanently destroy her relationship with her sister just to go on a vacation she doesn’t have to pay for. And that’s somehow a trustworthy person?? Put the fact your gf cheated aside and look at how shady this situation is. Not to mention anyone who hears this story is going to think you are the biggest AH in the world.

  13. Because the way to get her family NOT mad at her is for her to go off on vacation with her sister’s ex. /s

    Her reasoning makes no sense. This all sounds very suspicious on her part.

    Seriously – take anyone else.

  14. Do you have anyone else in your own family to take her place? Your own sister if you have one? Bringing her can only snowball into bigger problems down the line.

  15. If your intention is to get back at your ex for cheating, definitely take the sister. Nothing will make her burn more then to know her sister is enjoying the vacation SHE should be on, with her EX


    If you want a peaceful existence, do not take the sister

  16. Read the headline. Had to laugh.

    No, don’t. Unless you want to be neck deep in family drama.

    [edit] Just because you booked this for two doesn’t mean you can’t go alone.

  17. The sister told you out of jealousy. It was the right thing to do, but it was not done for the right reasons.

    Don’t bring her as you don’t need that level of drama in your life. Bring a friend if possible.

  18. Definitely take her. At worst, you get a new friend with or without benefits. At best, you get to sow some delicious drama for a cheating cow and her garbage relatives. Revel in the chaos, friend.

  19. Sounds like the sister found a reason to finally tell you the truth, she really wants to go. I wouldn’t do it. Go on the trip solo and have fun. Cut ex and her sister out of your life completely.

  20. Hell of a coincidence from the sister, no? She did you a favor, but move on from there. This has disaster written all over it.

  21. If you can get a refund for the trip, do that and use that trip money for a solo vacation. You’d be an idiot if you took the sister.

  22. PSA:

    There are so many other people I’m the world other than your SOs or ex’s family members. You don’t need to sleep with them, date them, go on vacations with them, or hell –even talk to them.

    OP, it is a recipe for disaster. Cancel the trip and get your money back. If you can’t, take a different friend. If you don’t want to even do that, ask any of your other friends in relationships to buy it off you. YOU DO NOT NEED TO VACATION WITH HER SISTER.

  23. Fuck it why not

    Still get to go and still have company, even if it’s not the romantic trip you had initially planned.

    Her request for separate beds is fair enough.

    Although I’d get her to contribute to the cost, even if I could afford it

  24. Hell no, man, this is a terrible idea that is going to just end up more drama. Separate yourself from your ex and her family, man.

  25. Whole family is a damn drama pot.
    Opportunity for a free holiday comes up, and now she decides she can’t contain the truth any longer?


    Cut them all out of your life man, find a friend and take that trip.
    Don’t, under any circumstance, take the sister lol.

  26. So you want to reward the sister who was okay keeping the cheaters secret until she got jealous of a gift sis was getting? Seems reasonable. /s

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