I’ve been with my husband for 3 years and we have had this reoccurring conversation of how I don’t make him feel desired. Due to I barely initiate. I feel as though I do but I guess not enough because he has to put some effort in order for me to do so. There’s a mental block when it comes to be doing so. Anxiety and such I suppose. I imagine doing so much and then when the time comes I can’t bring myself to. Maybe it’s a fear of rejection or something else? I need some tips and or advice

  1. I was in the same boat with my ex husband. But my partner now made me feel beautiful and sexy so that helped me spark my initiation. Also….I read a lot of sexy romance stories to get turned on before I plan to initiate. I also bought outfits that made me feel sexy. Once I started I would get nervous so I found through exploring with my partner that if he would moan or cuss (that meant he enjoyed it) the I would get a massive confidence boost to keep going

  2. Have you told your husband about your mental block? If so, what was his reaction? If not, why not?
    Do you know what the cause of your mental block is? Upbringing? Religion?
    Re fear of rejection: has your husband ever rejected you? By and large you can assume that if your husband regularly initiates sex with you, then he will welcome you initiating.

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