This was done by a straight women, so I doubt it was due to any sort of romantic attraction. I don’t know if I somehow made her uncomfortable? She looks at me and isn’t fighting when not talking, but when she’s talking, I get absolutely no eye contact and she’s fidgeting a lot.

Is that a sign that she’s intimidated? Or is she just simply likely vulnerable or something when talking?

  1. Personally I’m just bad with fidgeting and eye contact. I do it with most people especially when I’m not used to them.

  2. It could be a number of things. Nervous, guilty, intimidated, distracted (problems at home, work), worried.

  3. Could be she’s anxious, uncomfortable (shoes pinch, headache), or distracted (home or work issues). It could be you intimidate her but it’s more likely to be a “her” thing. Unless you’re in her space, talking over her, being overbearing, etc.

  4. Everyone in my family is like this. Not intimidated by people. Just socially awkward and shy. It’s a combo of genetics and culture.

  5. I get like this, and I am autistic. It could be that?

    It’s actually nice that you are questioning why she was like that and not straight away judging her. I always think people will think I dislike them or that I am weird. I just avoid face to face conversations as much as possible 🤣

  6. She either has some social anxiety of doesn’t want to talk to you. Either way if the conversation isn’t going well then its time to talk to someone else.

  7. My partner fidgets and avoids eye contact. It’s due to his anxiety. There could be a lot of reasons why it’s happening, neurodivergence, anxiety, etc

  8. I can’t for the love of god hold an eye contact, like ever.

    Maybe she’s just like me.

  9. Anxiety. These are normal behavior patterns with anxiety disorders. Probably a million thoughts rubbing through her head while talking to you.

    I’m Neurodivergent thinker and talker. The majority of people have no issue with conversations in public.

    I struggled with this today in the grocery store holding eye contact with the very nice cashier at the contour ringing me out.

  10. Some things that trigger this for me:
    – someone standing too close (I have a big personal space bubble)
    – noise levels too high (I have noise sensitivity issues, so this might not relate to the woman you talked to)
    – physical contact from an untrusted or new person
    – being bored by the conversation topic
    – being intimidated by the other person

    Keep in mind that I’m also AuDHD and have anxiety. Not all women are uncomfortable with the same things. I just wanted to give you something concrete to work with.

  11. I do this and I have ADHD. I can focus better on the conversation if I’m not worrying about eye contact and how long to hold it (don’t want to stare, do I look nervous if I break it? Why is this person staring at me? Wow they have pretty eyes!) I’m very fidgety and mostly always on the move so if I feel like I have to sit still in a meeting or something, it’s very difficult for me. She could have something like that and it’s possible she may not even know it.

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