I mentioned in another post that im autistic so i usually dont know how to navigate social interactions, though someone telling a story has got to be the worst. Its not that im not interested in their story, but i run out of replies after like a minute and i feel so forced when i ask questions about it. I dont want to appear rude in these situations. Am i MEANT to ask questions??

1 comment
  1. Questions are a great way to show interest and make the other person feel heard. I’ve been told I talk to much and I need to give space for people to give follow up questions. It makes for a more fulfilling conversation to keep going back and force.

    I’m not how this plays with autism (which I’m not). But I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself if this is just one person that you don’t really like or they don’t talk about anything you’re interested in. Sometimes we don’t have an interest in it. But if it’s simply because you know nothing about it, that’s where you ask questions. “Why did you do that?” “Explain more about this…” “How did you discover this?” “What’s an example?” “Have any pictures?”

    I’m no therapist but hope it helps

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