No matter what I do, what I try, or how I do it, nobody understands anything I say. I could ask a question of how to go about something then when someone responds I do what they said. Then they turn around and say I did it wrong and I asked them the question then ignored their answer and when I try to repeat the question I asked I’m shut down and told I’m wrong and that’s NOT what came out of my mouth. People not understanding what I’m saying effects me so badly it can take a perfectly normal day and turn it into an emotional breakdown. I try to calmly communicate what I’m trying to say but it’s shut down and I’m told that I’m wrong even though I know exactly what I said or do. Is so frustrating I just wish people would understand. Does anyone else have this problem? If so how do I prevent all of this. Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Is it people (like everyone you talk to?) or are you talking about some specific person? Possibly an authority figure, teacher, parent, older sibling or a bossy friend?

  2. Yesss I’m the exact same way. But even if you don’t make sense when you speak (which I’m sure you are just fine) it’s not polite for people to tell you that you’re wrong constantly. Don’t think it’s your fault, they ought to try to make an effort to understand where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to communicate. They should be asking clarifying questions. And if they disagree they can be professional about it.

    I would just practice and maybe in the future explain things more than you think they need to be explained. I have this same issue, I assume people have the same context as I do, but they can’t read my mind, so I need to provide them with enough information for them to understand. And also ask people “does what I’m saying make sense?”

    Also you could try asking AI for ways to phrase ideas. I’ve found it to be helpful hahaha

  3. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that! I’ve had experiences like that too, but I don’t think it ever got to this point. A few words of advice nonetheless:
    – If you can, find someone you can trust and explain all of this to. Sometimes they can help you translate.
    – If everyone around you thinks this, that usually indicates that at least part of the issue is you, but I can’t pinpoint what part of the issue could be on you. It could be a literal thinking issue (like mine was), but I personally think that would actually be more of a them issue than a you issue.
    – Hang in there. Your feelings are valid and you’re doing your best. Just keep rolling with the punches the best you can.

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