Pretty much what the title says. I’ve been seeing him on and off for 5 years and since the beginning I’ve told him that it often smells like pee and fish. I find it annoying that every time before I suck it I have to wipe it or tell him to shower. He complains that I never wanna go down on him and that he goes down on me more often (which is true) but he has never had to deal with an odor from me. He’s not circumcised but I don’t think that’s an excuse bc he’s a grown man and should know how to clean his body and be more mindful.

I’m tired of holding my breath when I go down on him. He says I should just deal with it to please him and that is utter bullshit to me bc if my pussy often smelled like fish and piss I’d never want anyone near me. he constantly brings up that I never give him head and how selfish I am but isn’t he selfish for making me endure something that he should be grown enough to fix??? he compares me to other girls and says “real ones would suck their man’s dick more often but you’re too self centered” and my first thought is you’re gonna get a very rude awakening bc most women would be much ruder than me.

this is mostly just to rant but of course I’m open to feedback and maybe even potential criticism on my part. am I doing something wrong here???

  1. He should respect you to clean down there. I would never want my wife to deal with that.

  2. real ones know how to take care of their dick so that it doesn’t smell like fuckin dick cheese every time 😐 this dude seems selfish and childish as hell.

  3. I feel like a person’s hygiene says a lot about their relationship. If they don’t care for it, then it’s a reflection on the person which can either be lazy, don’t care, or something else.

    I used to date someone who I would have sex with and didn’t see him brush his teeth when I would sleep over at his. I started asking why he didn’t and he fixed the issue. Like nobody wants to put up with bad breath or a horrible odor.

    I would suggest telling your boyfriend straight up he needs to do something about it.

  4. Stop going down on him. He is dirty and needs to learn how to clean himself.

  5. It takes 0 effort to hop in the shower and clean yourself before sex. This isn’t something you have to “endure” as if it’s something he can’t fix. He’s just too lazy, nasty, and inconsiderate to clean himself first. There’s literally no excuse for this.

    Also, let me guess: he doesn’t wash his ass cause he thinks it’s gay, right?

  6. Let’s ignore the glaring issue of his inability to practice the most basic of hygiene care for a second. This man is emotionally blackmailing you into thinking you’re not good enough in this relationship because you are not performing a specific sexual act on him, regardless of the reasoning. That’s vile, and any self respecting human shouldn’t have to deal with that kind of disgusting behavior. You don’t owe him anything, regardless of being in a relationship. Sexual acts are a way to share intimacy with your partner, not an expectation of paying off some sort of “sexual debt”.

    Now let’s focus on the main topic of your post. Most decent, respectful people (M or F) know that if they want their partner to go down on them, the *very* least they can do is clean themselves thouroughly. Not that you should have to be incentivized to keep your body from reeking, but in the case of any normal relationship, if my partner expressed I smelled down there I would be in the shower immediately scrubbing the shit out of my junk and profusely apologizing to them for the mishap.
    It sounds to me like you’re dating a man child. Don’t let the fallacy of sunken cost prevent you from being in a relationship where you are respected and loved.

    Also, this line is the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever heard “Real ones would suck their man’s dick more often but you’re too self centered”. What’s more self centered than expecting your partner to suck on your vile, unwashed junk? Jesus christ..

  7. You’ve tried to tell him kindly but he still isn’t bothered. He is rude and has no respect for you.

    If i were you and he’s that unhygienic, I wouldn’t want him inside me at all.

    > he compares me to other girls and says “real ones would suck their man’s dick more often

    Tell him you’re leaving so he can go and find someone who wants to suck his dirty willy. Good luck to him.

  8. The fish smell make me think he has ~~bacterial vaginosis~~ the bacteria that transmits BV.
    Has he ever gone to a doctor to address why his dick smells? Done a course of antibiotics? Cleaned really well and the issue remains?

    The fact he KNOWS it stinks and doesn’t do anything about it would be an absolute dealbreaker for me. And then to demand head??! Then try to put you down for refusing??
    The audacity!

    Girl, you already know you don’t want to “deal with it” so don’t. Let him take his funky junk elsewhere.

    Edit: corrected BV statement

  9. Are you seriously asking what you’re doing wrong here when he won’t clean his penis properly?

  10. Just be blunt. “Dude, if you want it more often then you need to fix your hygiene issues. Furthermore, comparing me to other girls is not going to get you the results you want. Besides, those other girls must have men who aren’t afraid of using soap and water on their junk.”

    Geez, is this selfish asshat worth it?

  11. I would not let a random hook up go down on me unless I was proper fresh, never mind my gf. That’s a matter of personal pride man

  12. You out here sucking stinky dick just to say ‘my man my man my man?’ I need some of y’all to go find some self respect and esteem! Yuck 🤢

  13. You’ve got to be REALLY gross to smell of piss and fish as a guy. None of my long term boyfriends have been circumcised. And even if you end up getting jiggy after a sweaty clubbing night out / day at work / day out / work out etc or anything like that and there’s that sort of man sweat sort of smell, it’s still like… clean you know? It doesn’t STINK. I have no idea how a dude gets that stinky. STOP LETTING THAT THING ANYWHERE NEAR YOU.

  14. I’m surprised you let him stick his dirty dick in you! If it’s not suitable to go in the mouth, it’s not suitable to go in the vag.

    UTI’s, PID, Vaginosis, yeast infections, bacteria infections can all be caused by dirty dick.

  15. Ok hang on- you’re telling me that his junk stinks and *you still put it in your mouth?!*


  16. Why are you still putting a stinky penis in your mouth ever? You deserve better. Forget him, respect yourself.

  17. Yes you are doing something wrong!!!! You occasionally suck a disgusting dick and you should stop doing that EVER! HOly hell what is wrong with you.

  18. Why are you with a man that A. Has bad hygiene and B. Pressures you to suck a dirty, stinky, bacterial infested penis! He has no respect for you.

    You deserve better.

  19. > am I doing something wrong here???

    Yup. You’re staying with a dude who has no respect or concern for you. If it stinks, there’s likely bacteria growth that endangers YOU when you have penetrative sex. I hope you’re still using condoms bc if not, you’re at greater risk of a whole host of illnesses.

  20. Sooooooo you’re worried about the smell when it’s going in your mouth. But you aren’t concerned with the bacteria on his penis that he is sticking in your vagina?

    OP….. you have to start caring about your health more. Why are you having sexual contact with someone who’s genitals smell like fish and pee?

    Have you had a conversation with him outside of the bedroom? To let him know this is an issue? If you haven’t, I suggest you do. Let him know you won’t continue to deal with this.

    If you have already tried this, then just stop dealing with him. He’s 25. Why are you okay with this??? This is basic common courtesy.

  21. So not only does he stink, but he also treats you like crap by trying to guilt you into going down on him? Find a better boyfriend.

  22. Disgusting. He isn’t clean. Don’t even think about putting that toilet in your mouth. Move on.

  23. You’re 23 years old and have been with this man and his smelly penis for 5 years? Please leave, that can’t be healthy for your cooter cat. The fact that this man acknowledges his penis is smelly but then says you should just “deal with it” isn’t fixing the problem. He’s not cleaning his penis properly and if you care enough to stay in this relationship (which I don’t understand why you stayed for 5 mfkng years) then just stop having sex with him till he could properly clean himself. That’s fucking gross of him if you smelt like fish n piss I doubt he’d be okay with you just saying “deal with it.”

  24. Girl you have to love yourself more and stop sharing your body and energy with a nasty dude who speaks to you with so much disrespect. A person who cares for you would never call you selfish for not wanting their smelly junk in your mouth. They would never ask it of you in the first place. Stop sucking him off when he smells AND stop having sex with him – this isn’t just repulsive, it could actually be an infection that could impact your health too. You deserve better than this.

  25. 2 words

    Dick cheese.

    Have some self-respect and stop putting that nasty smelling thing inside you. If he can’t perform basic hygiene, then it’s better to let him go.

  26. Tell him “Real ones don’t have a dick that smells like rotting fish” and don’t do it until he can learn to properly wash himself, that’s disgusting!

  27. Stink = bacteria = transmittable = putting YOU (your mouth and vagina) at risk for infections.

    When was the last time you were tested for STD?

  28. Being uncircumcised has nothing to do with it. Where I’m from that’s the norm and most people don’t have this problem. Because it takes like 10 seconds at most to manage this each day.
    What’s selfish is not managing your hygiene and expecting someone else to stomach it for your pleasure. Like, does he get off on the idea of you being uncomfortable. It’s fucking psychtic. Genuinely, I’d break up with someone trying to sexually shame me into doing something with them that made me very rightfully uncomfortable. Ge isn’t listening to your needs and is doing this because he is valuing his own more. Genuinely, this is grounds to break up.

  29. you arent doing anything wrong. there doesnt have to be a reason for you not to want to do something sexual, the fact that he is unable to respect that is a problem and speaks to a dubious opinion on consent. that being said, his dick stinks like shit. youve TOLD him this is keeping you from giving head and he still wont wash his fucking cock. “real ones would suck their mans dick more often” motherfucker most men dont have the hygiene of a toddler.

    tell him flat out “im NOT sucking your dick if you dont clean it. i dont give a shit what a “real one” would do, IM not putting my face anywhere near your rotten moldy ass cock”, though i have a feeling you have said this and he still hasnt tried to change and just blames you.

  30. Girl you literally posted about getting recurring yeast infections. They are from your nasty ass boyfriend. Dump him and find someone who takes care of themselves

  31. I want to throw up. He obviously doesn’t care about you. Or he gets off on humiliating and controlling you by making you suck his dirty dick.

    If you willingly suck his fish dick I’d judge you so hard. Have some self respect and say “no”. This is disgusting.

    When I was an escort I made every man shower and scrub before allowing him to even touch me. It always amazed me that girls who give away sex for free get treated worse than a sex workers. Y’all have zero standards.

    Kick this filthy scrub to the curb.

  32. I’ll never understand how you give him the time of day let alone five years.

  33. Why are you with someone who treats and speaks to you this way?
    Holy shit, dump him and get therapy on why you would put up with such disrespect.

  34. This would have to be a dealbreaker. Are you making him wash up before penetration? His poor hygiene could impact your health.

  35. What it is , he probably doesn’t change his underwear everyday . And he prob doesn’t shower everyday either or doesn’t scrub his penis inside his foreskin either . Anyone who ever asked me to go down on them without a shower is getting shit from me !!
    My wife and I both shower before hand . It’s just common sense.

  36. I wouldn’t suck a smelly/dirty dick with someone else’s mouth. Does he even clean his ass? Because most men that are complacent with disgusting hygiene don’t bother, and that’s when we get stories of poop crumbs and skid marks on the bed in this sub.

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