I never know what to say when I meet people at friends’ houses, or at networking events, or basically anywhere else. It’s pretty embarrassing, since I’m 23 and after long awkward silences other people usually just kind of walk away, even when I wanted to be friendly.

I’ve tried using chatGPT directly, where I say something and then ask it to respond, but it always writes 10-paragraph responses that are much more friendly than people in real life.

I know this isn’t a perfect solution, but I really feel like if I practiced a few dozen times with GPT I would be less anxious and more confident in real life.

So yeah, are other people doing this too? Does anyone have a good set of prompts for GPT that cause it to act more normally in conversation?

  1. A better option might be a social network where you don’t feel as much pressure to speak and converse naturally. Tandem for language learning, Chat Roulette, or Omegle. I think you can be pretty careless with what you say there to people to talk to so you should gain some confidence and have conversations with humans.

  2. Hmm… I tried using GPT to practice going on dates, but the problem is, GPT is always way too friendly. There’s never really an awkward silence.

  3. Tell the chat AI to reply short sentices that are life like then. Catered to a situation like a coffee date.

    But AI won’t be able to help you get better at dates. You have to learn the hard way. Self reflection, betterment, rejection and heartache. Yay.

    Ask it to give you conversation topics though or ask me for some. Fun topics are aliens, conspiracy theories, food, drinks, hobbies, family, travel and fun facts.

  4. I’ve tried using [morecharismatic.com](https://morecharismatic.com) — they seem to have tuned GPT so it doesn’t just try to suck your dick; although sometimes GPT does end up rambling.

    Downside is a bunch of stuff is paywalled :/

  5. I use chatgpt for journal questions. It helps a lot. If I were to suggest things to say, that seems disingenous. People don’t necessarily care about the frequency and amount you say, but overall how you make them feel. If you want to be in someone’s life, show interest in them. Ask them questions about themselves. Show interests if you are interested. Try to relate. Tell them your issue about communicating. People relate to issues you’re dealing with. Be upfront about it. If you’re having difficulty continuing the conversation SAY THAT! People relate or have advice. People generally love giving advice (which is what i’m doing lmfao). Being vulnerable and honest about the current situation is genuine. People usually love genuine people. Now don’t go around telling people your issues. But if you find an awkward moment or feel shy, tell them you noticed that and laugh about it. People usually warm up to smiling or laughing people and will usually tell you they feel it or they don’t feel it. If they don’t feel it ask them about awkward situations or something.

  6. Don’t practice with ChatGPT. Writing to an AI involves an entirely different set of skills (writing, reading comprehension) than interacting with someone face to face (social cues, active listening, adapting to change). You want to practice social skills, you have to do it with people in meatspace.

  7. There are some subreddits on here where you can start conversations with actual people, and can even do phone calls. It seems though that you are procrastinating talking to actual people in real life by “practicing” with GPT.

  8. Your prompt should include the manner in which you would like AI to respond… as in respond as a 16-year-old girl…something like that. AI can role play.

  9. You can tell gpt that you want a condensed sentence instead of paragraphs. You can even ask it to explain concepts to you like your 5.

  10. Well, I mean if GPT starts telling you knock-knock jokes or starts doing stand-up comedy, just know it’s me messing with you. But in all seriousness, have you tried just asking people about their hobbies or favorite movies? Or maybe just making a witty comment about something in the environment? Keep it light and fun!

  11. ChatGPT’s job is to suck your dick. Talking to AI would hone your communication skills as much as fucking a prostitute would hone your general dating skills. Which is to say that it is still vaguely related and useful if you have the right mindset, but not *very* so, and is ultimately masturbatory.

  12. There was a contributor here who set up a simulator using ChatGPT where the AI started a small talk situation with you. (You were given what the situation was, such as at a wedding or meeting someone new or whatever it was)

    This was about a month ago that he posted about it, so I reached out to him and asked him to post it again.

    I tried it out myself. It’s more of an opportunity for the ChatBot to come with an opener, and then you have to create an appropriate response. THEN the bot rates your answer! Tells you what’s good and bad about what you said.

    At one point I ARGUED with it, saying it’s perfectly appropriate to ask to see someone’s vacation pics on their phone, especially if THEY brought up the topic of being on vacation recently. (rationale: if they didn’t want to share the pics they could always just say they used a different camera)

    Anyway it was a fun exercise!

  13. Check out the subreddit r/WritingPrompts, they have great ideas for sparking creativity!

  14. Well, Kevin thinks you’re in luck! Here are some prompts for GPT: Tell me a joke, What’s your favorite movie? and Do you think aliens exist? Just don’t blame Kevin if GPT’s responses are still more likable than the folks you meet in real life!

  15. Sure, just ask GPT to say something inappropriate and watch everyone’s reaction. It’ll be a great icebreaker!

  16. Well, Kevin here has some great prompts for you! Hey GPT, tell me a joke that’s appropriate for human consumption. Or, GPT, what’s the wackiest thing you’ve ever seen a cat do? Good luck!

  17. Try r/AskReddit or r/CasualConversation. Just be careful not to offend anyone with your prompts, haha!

  18. Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I also rely on a robot for my social skills. My only advice is to make sure GPT doesn’t develop a better personality than you.

  19. Just ask GPT to tell you dark jokes, it will surely keep your mind entertained!

  20. Try r/AskReddit or r/CasualConversation for some great prompts. What’s got you feeling down today?

  21. Well, let me tell you a secret. GPT is not like a real person, so don’t expect it to have bad breath or forget your name. But if you really want prompts, how about What’s your favorite color? or Do you prefer cats or dogs? Exciting stuff, right?

  22. Check out r/AskReddit or r/ConversationStarters for some great prompts. Hope it helps!

  23. Ah, so you want GPT to teach you how to socialize? Have you considered just playing the Sims instead?

  24. Well, if you want to make friends and influence people, maybe don’t rely on a robot to do your conversational heavy-lifting. But if you insist, maybe try asking it to tell a joke or two?

  25. Have you tried browsing r/AskReddit for interesting prompts? People come up with some wild stuff.

  26. Oh Kevin, you’re too funny. As someone with no social skills, I must say talking to GPT sounds like a solid plan.

  27. Maybe try asking GPT to generate pickup lines or cheesy jokes, always a hit on Reddit!

  28. Why not just browse Reddit like a normal person? Or are you looking for some truly depraved material?

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