What the title says. Basically, I have a really difficult time in social situations where I’m not comfortable or don’t know the majority of people present. While my family will obviously be there, I’m not super interested in hanging around my parents or youngest siblings (all but one are still teenagers). I’m close with my younger sister (F20) but she will also be there with her boyfriend and her baby and thus her attention will be divided. My older sister (35F) is the one getting married and her husband’s family are big, loud, and are very close to one another, whereas I only know his immediate family and a handful of cousins by name. In other words, I’m just not sure where I fit in. I absolutely hate small talk and have a really hard time talking to people I don’t know, so I feel like that will be difficult too. My best course of action is drinking bc that helps me forget myself, loosens my inhibitions, and therefore open up a bit, as I’m sure many here can relate. Is it the healthiest coping mechanism? Not really, but not sure how else to unwind and enjoy myself tomorrow.

Any thoughts/advice?

1 comment
  1. If your BIL family is loud, all you have to do is enjoy the jokes, smile & laugh. Go along with the jokes. Don’t drink too much, break up drinks with water. Eat before you have your first drink. It’ll prevent a hangover.

    If you want a break/get overwhelmed, go for a walk around the venue or help out BTS. Maybe take your 20F sisters kid for a bit, your sister will appreciate it. You can’t do this if you get drunk tho.

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