I feel weird when this happens. Basically a lot off the time if I’m with my friends or something, people will say something that’s kinda disrespectful and they will laugh and look at me and if I try to say something similar back they kinda just look at me with a grin like “ what was that”.

I understand that maybe these are just jokes but there’s another side

Sometimes I purposefully don’t try to react to what they say and just kinda ignore them but they continue to laugh and in the moment it makes me feel bad and uncomfortable. It’s like they all just want to see me breakdown, idk what it is but I don’t like play like that.

It’s like whenever I’m just trying to be myself or vibe alone people will say things and then just laugh at me. Idk if they want me to retaliate back but it makes me uncomfortable cause I’m not doing nothing to no one and when I do respond back they kinda get serious face or whatever.

  1. Simple, they are not your friends. They recognize you as an easy target.

    Ask yourself why they are hanging out with you?

    Why are you hanging out with them?

    Best advice:

    Find out who you are, play along for a bit but look for a different friend group. Don’t link these groups in anyway and then drop the pricks.

  2. If you don’t do anything, they’ll continue to target you because to them, you’re easy prey.

    It can be as simple as

    “fuck you”

    “you’re a little bitch you know that?”

    “hey (insert name) how about you go fuck yourself?”

    This is definitely toxic, but when push comes to shove, it can be necessary if someone is hurting you… if they act like you retaliating was wrong or you overreacted..gaslight them. Tell them you were only joking and they’re being an overly sensitive little bitch

    Bottom line is this…
    If someone hurts you, hurt them back twice as hard. Nobody wants to get hurt, it doesn’t matter how tough a person is. And once you hurt someone back.. odds are, they won’t enjoy hurting you as much as they did.

    OP this is the only way to make someone stop bullying you. If you never stand up for yourself, they will continue to hurt you.

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