It is taking ALL of my strength to not go into one of my “please be reasonable” moods.

When people say things that make absolutely no sense to me I just keep asking them critical thinking questions until we’re both exhausted. I am calling upon every single social skill that I have learned to hold my tongue and focus on happy topice like yoga practice and what are we eating for dinner…. And telling her that no I’m still not going to the park event this evening because the smoke is still real even if you don’t believe where the sources coming from. 🤣🤣🤣

  1. One social you have to learn is that arguing with stupid/ignorant people is a waste of energy. You can slam your head against the wall, but eventually, your skull is gonna crack if you get what I mean. Just nod when they say stuff. I do it all the time.

  2. It is weird that they all started same time…. Was there that much lightning in Canada all at once? And it has been a month since start.

  3. Don’t talk about the wildfires with said friend. Doesn’t seem like a good topic if you want to keep the friendship.

    That said, I’m with you. Seems like you’re really trying. Good luck + report back with updates. I’m invested.

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