I got off BC a few years ago and I haven’t let A SOUL give me a creampie since then even though I really miss them sometimes. A couple men have begged me to let them give me one and even promised to buy me the morning after pill but I still told them hell no. All that changed recently when I met HIM. It’s a long story but he’s a good friend I really lust for but ofc also care about and he’s been going through a lot so I’ve been trying to comfort him. Only the second time we had sex and while I was on top something along the lines of “I want you to cum in me” slipped out. He was afraid to do that understandably and I was mortified I even said such a thing for the first time since I got off BC. I really want one from him but I sure as hell don’t want kids and I don’t want him to think I’m trying to “trap” him. Also the morning after pill is expensive and can have painful side effects for me sometimes. HOW DO I STOP WANTING THIS? Is there a time in my cycle I can get a creampie without worrying about pregnancy ?

  1. Besides being expensive and having painful side effects, the plan B pill is not as effective as birth control. Trying to time your cycle to avoid pregnancy is also not very effective.

    An IUD would be very effective. Some of them don’t have hormones.

    There are also birth control implants like Nexplanon that they put in your arm.

  2. Whenever I read these kind of posts all I can think about is „pulling out cannot seriously be the only form of contraception these people rely on???“

  3. Get a condom. Let’s him pump and dump deep with the jimmy on. Or take plan B. OR keep stoping yourself


    That’s a question probably no one can answer here. It’s all about your needs and the rationale of thinking about the positives and negatives of it that matters.

    >Is there a time in my cycle I can get a creampie without worrying about pregnancy ?

    Get on a BC to enjoy it without a worry in the world. Relatively safer days would be a couple of days before your period and the initial days of your period, if they are regular. If they are irregular then the risk is almost always present throughout the cycle as ovulation happens at different times during each cycle. Although the risk of pregnancy is lower after the fertile window, the same regular and irregular cycle explanation holds good for this too. And the chance is never a zero.

  5. So many people don’t know how Plan B works, so I will say it louder for the people in the back.

    Plan B works by delaying ovulation. It is not effective if you are ovulating on the day or have ovulated the day or so before. That’s why many people have Plan B babies!

  6. NOT FOOLPROOF but you could get an Oura ring. It tracks body temperature variations and does a very good job of predicting and tracking ovulation and period cycles after a few months. (My gf has one)

    But also guys don’t need to fully cum for sperm to be present. Hope you’re using SOME form of birth control most of the time or it’s only a matter of time before you get an unpleasant surprise.

  7. Nice post, mommy. I’ll catch up with you in the parenting sub in a couple years.

  8. Step 1) get on some form of birth control, be it the pill or an IUD or *something*

    Step 2) mandatory waiting period of a month or so to make sure the BC kicks in properly on your next cycle

    Step 3) let him jizz with impunity

  9. Is there a time in my cycle I can get a creampie without worrying about pregnancy ? NO!

    the morning after pill is expensive and can have painful side effects… YES! Don’t do it! Emergencies only

    I don’t want him to think I’m trying to “trap” him. That’s what it could sound like.

    HOW DO I STOP WANTING THIS? Self discipline, appreciate the thousands of other fun things sex offers.

    Get back on BC, get tubal ligation, use condoms. Two is better than one.

  10. How do you stop wanting this? Find someone with a newborn and ask if you can babysit for a week. Or better yet, babysit a 2 year old.

    Sperm can live in the body for up to 5 (or maybe 7?) days. There is no “safe” time to get “creampied.”

  11. Just gonna weigh in here as a female who wanted the same thing because I was tired of having to clean myself off. Get an IUD if you are up to it, OP. I have a Paraguard IUD and it was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in terms of birth control. I got mine at Planned Parenthood with no grief. It hasn’t migrated, I haven’t gotten pregnant, and I can’t even tell I have one half the time. They last for years and are highly effective (yes, I am aware that this isn’t the case for every single woman on this planet). The installation process is pretty painful and you’ll be sore for awhile afterwards. You can’t have sex for a week, and your period cramps might be stronger for six-ish months. My periods got heavier and more painful but have since went back to normal. July will mark a year with my IUD. No regrets.

  12. If you both don’t want kids maybe he’ll get a vasectomy. My partner also got off of birth control after decades but really likes the feeling of me cumming inside of her so off to the doctor I went.

  13. You could learn and practice a Fertility Awareness Method. I use Natural Cycles but also read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and follow those rules if that’s more conservative. I tend to have around 7-10 potentially fertile days I avoid, but otherwise I have unprotected sex (without withdrawal) the rest of the month. It means taking my temp daily and there is a learning curve, but it’s by far my favorite method of BC. Good luck! Taking Plan B is awful IMO due to side effects…

  14. You could try a diaphragm. Relatively inexpensive and not a big deal to use at all; although you must use spermicide with it. It’s not full-proof, but it might be a good option for you.

  15. Look into FAM (fertility awareness method). Read the book: Taking Charge of your Fertility.
    You’ll need a few months of tracking to get the hang of things but once you know your cycle and know when you’ve already ovulated each time and past the fertile stage, that’s when you can let loose! Lol.

  16. I get creampied almost every month around/during my period, I’m not on BC and never had a pregnancy scare, but my cycle has always been incredibly regular so it’s easy to track. I don’t go around suggesting this “method” to anybody, though. I’m only responsible for my own choices. If you’re fine with taking that risk, doing it a day before your period arrives or 1 to 2 days into it would be the safest.

  17. IUD, spermicide lubricant, diaphragm, condoms. if none of those bc options appeal to you and you really want cum inside you, you could try anal.

  18. Do it after you are done ovulating. Eggs only live for a day sperm live for around 5 days.

    This is not the same as “timing your period” to get a rough estimate. You would be using scientific methods to find out exactly when you have released an egg. It is around 99% effective, but you have use it properly. Just like you have to take the pills properly for them to be effective.

    Read more online but here is a gist:
    You can use a thermometer to get your daily readings start measuring asap to establish a baseline and *pair* that with the pee ovulation tests (hormonal, pretty cheap on Amazon). Any ovulation or period tracking application should give you a rough estimate of the day of ovulation. So start doing the pee tests before or during the fertility window. You can also look at the cervical fluid.

    A peak in the hormone and a spike in body temperature corelates with the ovulation time.

  19. A lady comp device is a bit costly, but amazing. Basically it wakes you up with a gentle alarm and takes your basal temp. It gives a red light when unprotected isnt safe, a yellow while its learning your cycle and a green light when creampie is 100% safe! Used one for years. takes a couple months to start getting more green lights.

  20. Here is what you do.

    1. Go to a daycare.
    2. Walk into the infant room.
    3. Spend 24/7 in that room with the infants.
    4. Reflect and determine just how important a guy cumming in you without protection is.

  21. Have you visited r/FAMnNFP ? your window would be super small, but it’s possible, however it does require lots of work on your part. Also gotta use barriers with any of these if you want to have sex all month long, spermicide has a warning on the side but lots of people use it, it’s a good addition if you want another layer of protection. Condoms are uncomfortable for many but Luckybloke has lots of different materials and sizes.

  22. Look into fertility awareness method (FAM) there are times in your cycle that are safe. It’s a commitment though, you have to track basal body temperature, cervical mucus and maybe even cervix position. It can be very accurate as long as you pay attention to your body daily. It’s nothing like the rhythm method which people confuse it for.

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