For context, my partner and I have been together for nearly 3 years, are living together and although we have had a couple of rough patches, have come out stronger and better connected until now.

I recently landed my dream job as a Creative Artworker, and lost it two months later, due to my own mistakes, and although my partner was initially supportive, and I have since found another job, the situation has caused him to tell me that he feels differently about me.

We had a talk a few days ago, where we both laid things out, he said he needed several things to change before he felt better about us and I felt I took responsibility for what I had done wrong, and how I was going to change things to make it work.

However, we have had another talk before he left for work this morning, and he says although he still loves me, he feels different about me, and although he is willing to give me a chance to settle in to my new job and get things working, he cannot promise that he will feel any better in a few weeks time.

I am heartbroken, I have a few days before I start my new job and I worrying about our future and mine without him. This man is the love of my life, my best friend, and the idea of not having him beside me as I go through life is more than I can take.

Is there any advice, what can I do to help him?
How can I show him that things will and can change for the better?

TLDR: I lost my job, and partner has been having second thoughts

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