I’ve been working for a year at a call center for ATT, and iam about to quit because it made my life a living hell and literally had me going home to cry for like an hour non stop, not due to one specific reason but it’s just over all too much.

I’m 20 years old and I feel like this is the end of the world for me since I don’t know if I’m gonna find another job or not and also because there is good money in that job especially for my age, everyone around me is telling me not to leave it and they tell me I’m over exaggerating about it and they keep making me feel guilty about losing all the money I’m getting each month.

There really is good money in it, but I always feel like shit going to work and waking up everyday, it made my life a living hell, yet it also gave me the opportunity to buy many things and meet great people, it’s also my first job ever so I feel like I’m wasting great money at such a young age.

Any one dealt with something similar before or know what the right thing to do is? I have untill 12th of next month to be able to decide

  1. 21F
    I was working at a call center for an auction website/ software company.
    Funny enough I was leaving one hell to find out this was another, the daily push of picking up every single incoming call and never knowing if you would have a great convo or be berated was very stressful. As well as knowing we had limits to how we could help before having to pass them off to a diff department (always ending in frustration).

    The coworkers were great and a bonus every now and then was nice, but eventually it doesn’t become enough anymore.

    It takes a toll on your mental health and in turn your well being. IMO we’re young you will have awhile to get more experience somewhere and find another high paying job, it’s okay to take a pay cut to protect your sanity. As long as your still able to cover what’s needed.
    No amount of money is worth giving up your happiness, at the end of the day the other people telling you to stay are not working that position.
    Do what is best for you, best of luck and don’t let fear hold you back!

  2. Let’s say you stay with your job and keep making good money. Then, your sanity hits an all time low. How much money does it take to make your sanity back? Are you getting that much from the job? If not then it’s quite literally not worth it.

    Let’s say you stick with your job anyway and go insane. What now? You allowed yourself to lose all sanity and grip on reality but you have a few dollars more?

    Not worth it.

  3. Just like everyone else said, it’s not worth it. I had a similar situation. If you are serious and motivated you will find another job, yeah maybe the money won’t be the same but like when you finish your shift you are out and done for the day, and there’s nothing more comforting than that. A job is not meant to give you mental breakdowns and you have to constantly think about it. We work so many years of our life, take care of you

  4. I was in a bad situation at a job and it was taking a toll on my mental health.
    I was in my early twenties and only worked at 1 other company before this job.
    I remember being so scared because none of my friends had quit a job before a full year was up and I felt like it would look poorly on my resume.

    Eventually I decided the money and prestige of working at this big brand company was not worth my mental health.

    Note: I live at home so I had the means to quit.

    I do not regret quitting under 1 year at the job and not having a job lined up. I went on a vacation and shortly applied to jobs and got my next job within a month. They questioned my short gap and I told them it was not the right work environment for me.

    Everyone has their reasons for leaving a company and the next employer won’t hold it against you.

    Edit: one thing my mom told me that helped “you’re making all this money just so you can end up using it on therapy? Is it worth it?” (I wasn’t in therapy but at the rate I was going at that job, I would end up needing therapy as I was crying every day)

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