Hey Reddit.
Recently got into a relationship, bringing with it a whole new bunch of challenges. One I didn’t consider is stains in the bed…
Took off the bed sheets, mattress protector etc for the regular wash, and underneath is a pretty nasty amount of yellow staining in the mattress itself. Currently tried using soap/washing liquid. Then went on to baking soda and ammonia, now I lost hope and used a good 40ml of hydrogen peroxide.
Result: a now-larger stain with yellow edge about 30x15cm. And slightly faded in the middle, though I can’t tell if that’s just the light.

Looking for any tips not commonly found online, as it seems those resources have been used already :(.

Thanks in advance!

  1. If it’s been in there for a while, there may be little hope.

    Have you tried oxyclean stain remover?
    Maybe you should just put a permanent mattress cover on it.

  2. Oxy clean. But you may be better off covering it up with a waterproof mattress pad. You generally leave them on between changing sheets.

  3. You could always tell it’s another stain if someone is gonna look for it by removing your mattress protector and the sheets.

  4. Buy a mattress pad. Mattress pads can be laundered and cover old stains.

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