Sent this girl $320 now I’m blocked not sure what to do. Contacted my bank to see if they will do anything and not sure if a police report is dumb. We went on one date went well both of us enjoyed it but then I sent some rude comments through text few days later and she got annoyed and blocked me not sure what to do from here. Wanted to commit self harm because of this.

Update: I got the money back lesson learned thanks everyone

  1. Live and learn, don’t ever send someone money like that unless you’re already in a serious relationship, don’t expect it to help them gain attraction to you. If anything it’ll do the opposite

  2. Cut your losses bro. I hope you learned your lesson. NEVER SEND ANYONE MONEY. …..smh

    Self harm won’t solve the issue. You are still gonna be out $320

  3. $320 was a cheap fee to learn a valuable lesson…..never ever give money to anyone again…

  4. I totally agree with all you
    Mf’s. And I would still love to kick it on the Yacht.

  5. Please go to therapy and/or contact a crisis line. Not only were you susceptible to what seems like a scam/manipulation, but I feel like your intentions are contradictory – sending money, and then rude texts? That makes no sense. I assume you wanted something by sending money and didn’t get it, so you lashed out at her? Might not be the case, but please put your mental health before dating, right now.

  6. Think you might just have to accept you fucked up by sending a random person money willingly

  7. I’ll send any woman $320 imaginary, if they send me imaginary nudes. Any takers?????

  8. Looks like you paid a hefty price for a financial lesson! Chin up, better luck next time!

  9. The money and the blocking seem unrelated if she blocked you for rude messages.
    If she asked for money and you gave it to her she hasn’t committed a crime. You just need to think through your actions better.

  10. People are trashing this guy for sending money, knowing well that most redditors send money to cam models on a daily haha

  11. Yo bro you want to send me $320? I want money too.

    But seriously, get professional help and work through your issues

  12. If you sent her money getting the police involved would be filing a false report. It’s irrelevant if she blocked you after she got it; you willingly gave it to her.

  13. Please don’t hurt yourself but let this be a lesson to not send money to people I’m guessing you barely know.

    Why did you send her rude messages? When did sending her money come into play?

  14. First off. Don’t commit self harm over some girl and some $300 odd, your worth more than that. Take this as the valuable lesson it is. Don’t give your money away, and rude comments don’t get you far might be a second lesson here? Either way chin up soldier there’s more yet for you to do.

  15. What were the sequence of events?

    You said four things happened: you had a fun date, you sent her rude messages, you sent her money, she blocked you. In what order did those things happen?

  16. You got to slow down with woman. Don’t feel obligated to give them anything until you’ve been with them for a long time and see a future with them. Don’t go paying these girls bills because half of them would ditch you in a second or sleep with someone else behind your back and keep you around as their Wallet.

  17. Why did you send rude comments in the first place?

    Did you at any point attempt to apologize? If you are feeling like committing self harm over something like this, please contact a professional who can help you work through this. This is a great moment of “live and learn” where you can take the opportunity to:

    1. not be foolish with money requests and only send money to people you trust and
    2. not be rude to people in the first place.

  18. Learn from this stupid mistake, never send people money, what on earth where you thinking?

  19. Don’t send people money. You need to look out for yourself. It’s not likely that the bank will do anything, because you authorized the transaction unfortunately. Why did you send rude texts? Was this before or after you sent the money? Why did you send the money? Use this as a learning experience

  20. Civil Court is a real thing and tracing her ip address to prove she “stole” it as in extortion is possible through a police report; infact they can help and she will not laughing. Not sure what happened, truly hope u get it back. Not to self do not loan what you need.

  21. Send her $320 again to unblock you. Anyway, rude comments or anything, be careful before using any words. Move on, forget what happened and discipline yourself.

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