currently i am 25 and he’s turning 27. so there’s this guy i know from highschool, he was a grade above me and about 2 years after i graduated (i was 19) we got in touch through a mutual friend. he asked me on a date and we talked for about a month and he was sweet but things just didn’t work out and it ended a little awkwardly. so fast forward 6 years he now lives in florida, we start talking again bc i replied to his snapchat story to ask ab a cat he just found. we were talking on snap for a bit and he was coming down here for his sisters gender reveal for a month. he brought his kitten over so i can meet him and it was a tiny bit weird not having seen eachother for so long but as he was talking i found myself having an interest and attraction to him kind of remember our little history. after that day he didn’t snap me for a couple days until i replied to a story of his cat then we talked he left me on open went somewhere w his friends for a weekend and didn’t message me then when he came back he randomly snapped me his cat and then asked me to hang out so we went to the mall together had lunch at the cheesecake factory and he paid for my meal. i just had a good time enjoying his company and i felt like we had chemistry. he didn’t write to me after he dropped me off but i wrote to him and asked him if he wanted me to send him my part of the food and he said “no it’s fine bc i dragged you there” that was a few days ago and we haven’t talked since. i honestly can’t stop thinking about him but i’m not sure how he feels and i want to tell him but we haven’t talked for days so i’m not sure what to do. any advice?

  1. >and he was coming down

    Coming down where? He lives in Florida. What’s down from Florida? The Keys? Cuba?

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