One thing I’ve noticed is that people say random things when they socialize, how do they do it? They are not afraid to act like a clown or ridicule themselves. I’ve noticed I can do that sometimes with friends, but most of the time I’m so cautious to avoid doing something like that, actually it’s most of the time. Btw, I’m super shy, which is something I would like to change too. It would be so much easier to just kms.

  1. Nah… you don’t want to be following those footsteps. Just keep in the back of your mind the knowledge that everyone, even the apparently socially polished, have insecurities and sometimes being eccentric or loud is their way of hiding it.

    Might be a personal bias, but by far the type of people I enjoy talking to the most are those who are reserved but you know that they actually care about you when they open their mouths, and the resulting conversations are incredibly pleasant. On the contrary, someone who is loud and boisterous no matter the circumstances does not strike me as someone who knows how to read the room and act accordingly.

  2. I do say random things, but I keep myself appropriate as much as possible.

    Bringing up random stories subjects, jokes, opinions, etc, is a part of getting to know people deeper. You can’t just wait for someone else to bring it up because you think it’s too random. So is it inappropriate for them to bring things up because it seems random? I definitely don’t think so.

    Seems like your main problem isn’t avoiding randomness. It’s your mental health in general. You should feel safe being vulnerable around friends, but that’s your journey.

    Being vulnerable and confident isn’t anything to scoff at. When people act like clowns and are ridiculing themselves I find it to be comforting and funny most times. It depends on if they are doing it appropriately and if I’m in the mood for it.

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