Okay so I don’t really know what to make of this but a girl I know has started calling me sweet heart about 2 months ago pretty much out of the blue. I don’t know how to respond to this so Ive been pretending like nothing weird is happening whenever she says it but it’s been bugging me pretty bad. Sweet heart is what people call little kids and I am a grown man in his late 20s so what give here? Is she making fun of me? I never hear he call anyone else “sweet heart”. How do I ask her to stop without sounding like a jerk?

  1. Where do you live for context op? I am from the south and I instinctually call people things like this regardless of age/gender. calling people things like “sweetheart” or “honey” here have no real connotation and is kind of instinctual at least where I am from! If it does make you uncomfortable, I would totally just casually try to bring it up to her. “Hey, I hope this doesn’t sound rude but you calling me this makes me feel…” would probably be a good place to start. I’m sure she’ll understand!

  2. Thats crazy, when this happens to me my brain immediately defaults to “she wants to marry me” mode.

  3. It could just be a normal part of her regular vocab. But if you really want her to stop just say “hey I know you mean it well but I find being called sweetheart uncomfortable”

  4. How old is she? If shes alot older its normal interaction. If shes in your age group its flirting

  5. I am having pretty much the same problem although she calls a lot of people that but I still find it a little weird especially early on when I didn’t even know her at all and now I know her more so I dont want to be rude about it either kids stuck myself.

  6. I would take this as condescending. It’s essentially the same as “you poor thing”, “bless your heart.”

    It’s basically she thinks you are simple, naive, immature and is passive aggressively expressing that to you by calling you “sweetheart.”

  7. Does she call other people sweetheart?

    If yes, that’s just how she calls people.

    If no, she likes you and she’s calling you sweetheart to flirt.

    Either way, if you don’t like it, just say “hey can you stop calling me that, I feel kinda weird.”

  8. very cool that the first thing in your mind is “she is making fun of me” lol. I personally think she likes you. Just ask her what’s up with it, it is not weird to ask, then you can tell her to stop or go with it depending on her answer.

  9. Don’t show that you are offended by the term and instead treat it as a term of endearment while acknowledging the comment by responding after the word.

    “Morning sweetheart”;

    [Smile and tilt head to her lips]

    “Morning to you too, sweetheart.”

    If she’s trying to upset you, she will be pissed off that she failed her only attempt.

    If she’s hitting on you and you like her, then you just created an opening.

    Nothing to lose.

  10. I have no answer, but I’ve been called “buddy” by various running group people/friends/Starbucks cashiers. Not sure why. Do I look autistic and no one ever told me?

  11. “Sweetheart is what people call little kids.”

    Have you always had a definite stance on who gets called sweetheart and who doesn’t? Does this mean you were called sweetheart a lot when you were younger, so you’re confused why it’s happening again? 🤔

    As a Black woman, I start calling any man I’m comfortable with “honey” “sweetheart” or “hun” basically the moment the switch clicks from them being a stranger to an acquaintance.

    Just last week, my chef asked me if were able to salvage any of the burnt food and I told him “Oh, hun, it’s all burnt to hell.” He asked for some hard candy. 🤣

    He calls me kiddo. I’m 34, I’m pretty sure he’s at least 56.

  12. I hate when non-elderly people refer to me as “love”, “dear”, or “sweetheart”. It gives me the Ick. Lots of women do this as a manipulation tactic on men btw, next time she says it I’d simply say “I would appreciate it if you referred to me by name rather than a term of endearment.”

  13. I also hate it when people call me sweetheart or honey, I find it patronizing.

  14. Well, if you’d like to go out with her, say “the only people allowed to call me sweetheart are my mother, and my girlfriend. One of them is taken, there is a vacancy for the other.” Then wait and gauge her reaction.

    Cons to this approach is that she may never stop calling you sweetheart.

  15. Usually it’s a term of endearment; I don’t think she’s trying to jab at you or make fun of you. If it bothers you, you can politely ask her to stop or to call you something else, but depending on context of the situation it could be passive-aggressive like some of the others commented here.

    Honestly I think depending on age gap it could be that she likes you and has taken you under her wing, or she *likes* you and is trying to be extra sweet.

  16. Why someone calling you sweetheart is freaking you out? Is just a term of endearment. Where I live people call complete strangers sweetie, sweetheart, honey. Don’t look why too much into this. And if you are going to say something about this do it thinking more this may not be appropriate In a working setting.
    Good luck

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