What happened between you both? Do you keep in contact? Or have you ever checked their social media to check in?

  1. Broke up on my 18th birthday. Paths never crossed again. No idea what happened to her after that except she now owns her parents house

  2. She cheated with my best friend and his cousin at once, walked out the door and have maybe passed her on the street/shop a few times since, nothing else. She can burn in hell for all i care.

  3. Broke it off with me, shacked up with a couple of losers for a few years, alienated herself from her family, went back to school, and is apparently living a fine life as a veterinarian.

    (I’m not a creepy stalker, I swear! I ran into her dad a few years back and had a long talk with him.)

  4. she’s currently engaged, havent talked in a decade. this question is interestingly timed because i heard Jay Seans “Down” yesterday which i hadnt heard since 2009 and which was “our” song and it immediately brought me back. Its super weird being 30 having an immediate flashback to teenage love, its like the movies.

  5. The first one. The first real one decided that they no longer wanted me in their life and that the only way for them to be happy was to abruptly and absolutely remove me completely. Still not sure why, never will be. Nothing left to build myself up and move on. Not going to happen again.

  6. She disappeared after sixth form. I’d never admitted my feelings for a few reasons so we were never an item but we had been friends for a while, long before I caught the feels. I’d always known/suspected that she wanted to spread her wings and get out of our hometown.

    And that’s what happened. She left for university in England. This was pre-social media, so we drifted apart quickly. And to the best of my knowledge, no one’s seen her since. I did check, but I can’t find her on any social media.

    She’s the one person from school, that I’m not already in contact with, that I’d like to speak to again. Not because she was my first love, but because we were friends.

  7. We were high school sweethearts, after a year realized we were better as friends. We still are friends, and she actually helped me out big time with a personal project a few on this ago.

  8. Since the middle of 2020, we were having it rough. Got even worse at during the end of 2021. She decided to move away for a job, and turned into a totally different person a month in.

    She meets a new guy during the same month she moved there, and they become friends and a couple of months later…we start having a lot more disagreements and fights and one day she calls me and tells me she wants to break up. Found out months later than she ends up getting with that same guy days after the break up.

    This all happened last year and the pain still feels fresh.

  9. My first REAL love…decided he didn’t love me anymore. Waiting on divorce papers now.

  10. I have no contact with my first love, my attention is now on my partner, the last love is more important than the first love.

  11. She cheated on me with a dude who became her fiance and later cheated on her with another dude. Some good karma there, she’s was heavily christian so the social stigmas of her fiance choosing to bang a dude over her haunted her for a bit. I found out from her mom who couldn’t wait to tell me. Her parents were pissed at her when they found out we had broken up and why. They had fully expected us to get married eventually and her mother would mention it to me often after we broke up. Apparently I was the only guy she had brought home that her father had approved of.

    I bounced around between a few relationships for about a decade before getting married and having a couple kids. She married a super controlling German dude that her parents despise. Last I heard she wasn’t happy with the relationship either, but being a devout Christian she won’t divorce him.

    I sometimes wonder what our lives would have been like if the cheating hadn’t happened and we stuck together, but after what happened I realized I really didn’t know her the way thought so it’s impossible to say.

  12. *”What happened to your first love?”*

    Don’t know and don’t care.

    *”Do you keep in contact? “*


    *”Or have you ever checked their social media to check in?”*

    No and why fo I get the feeling that a really young girl asked this?


    Ah, it’s to promote her Onlyfans!

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