Many people do not own cars, so can you take your clubs on the bus? Can you bike with them in a trailer? Do you just always drive yourself? Do you take a taxi?

  1. I don’t think the intersection of people who play golf and those who don’t own a car is very big.

  2. I’ve seen people just take their bike and have the clubs with them on their back. Taxi is incredibly expensive so no one takes that. You can take the bus but I’ve never seen it.

  3. Not golf, but I carried my hockey equipment with public transport for years before I started sharing a car with my girlfriend. So yeah, it’s doable. But it’s one of the few occassions I prefer taking my car.

  4. Yes, very few people play golf, and the mindset and economical situation that makes people not have a car is the same that makes them not spend cash on a hobby like golf. Golf is played on the countryside, people without cars live in big cities.

    Golf is very much an upperclass sport, and also kinda “uneuropean”, like american football or baseball, and I believe those who do it are also aware that it is an exotic hobby.

    Edit: at least on the continent and as far as I was aware at the time of posting this.

    Thinking of it, tennis is also an upperclass sport, but I don’t think of it as exotic at all. I know normal, non-upperclass kids who play tennis, it is part of our sports culture.

  5. I once knew a guy who played disc golf, he had this big custom duffel bag with like two dozen compartments for different discs. I don’t imagine bringing it on the bus would be a problem.

  6. >Many people do not own cars

    you over estimate how big the group is. Pretty much all households got at least one car.(average is around 1,5 per family in Poland, i would guess it’s even higher in Ireland)

    as for carrying stuff- golf is nearly nonexistent in Poland so there’s that. I do fencing and i used to carry my swords on public transport all the time back in Poland

  7. People here sometimes use bikes or motorbikes and carry bags, or if you are a member in a club, leave them there in a locker if they are avaialble. i’ve seen them on buses and trains, people who do, pick bags that suit that transport, lightweight thin bags with covers.

  8. Whoever plays golf in this country owns at least one Jaguar and uses both for the same purposes.

  9. I think playing golf isn’t all that common in (most of) Europe. Also, the majority of people in Europe do own a car, especially in rural regions.

    It’s only larger cities where there are fewer people owning cars. But even in here in Amsterdam, where a bike and public transit can get you anywhere, the streets are still full of cars pretty much everywhere.

    Taking all this into account, I think the group of people who 1) play golf and 2) do not own a car must be relatively small.

  10. I live next to a golf course here in Sweden and there’s always people on my bus with golf clubs. Usually younger guys, teens etc

  11. Golf is generally an upper class or upper middle class sport in Sweden. People who are into golf also tend to be more right-leaning and conservative. Posh people who think that using public transport is beneath them. In fact, there is a derogatory term for golf in Swedish which could be loosely translated as the “hockey of upper class conservatives”. The working class plays miniature golf instead.

    Those who don’t own a car for environmental reasons generally don’t tend to like golf that much, since golf courses are often seen as damaging to nature and the environment.

    So all of that means that the overlap between golfers and people that don’t have cars is probably very small. I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone carrying golfing bag on a train or bus.

  12. I don’t gold but I regularly see people cycling with a golf bag on their back. Occasionally see them on the subway too.

  13. I haven’t played golf since I was about 12 or 13, but back then I’d either just walk (which only took about 20-30 minutes) or just tape a handful of clubs to my bike. Were I to take it up again I’d just drive but I’m not really interested.

  14. Vast majority of people who play golf also drive, and because of the location of golf courses there’s rarely ever public transport nearby.

    Some golf clubs do offer lockers for people who want to leave their clubs at the club rather than carrying them to and fro all the time.

  15. In denmark it’s fairly common to go by bike, and then you just have the clubs in a bag on your back.

    But a lot of golf players are older men in emotional support cars.

  16. Which idiot told you Europeans don’t own cars? Pretty much each household has 1-2 cars?

  17. >Many people do not own cars, so can you take your clubs on the bus?

    Almost every household will have at least one car.

    Also golf is a rich people sport with a frankly criminal and immoral enviromental impact. The intersection of people who play golf and don’t own a car is 0 or near it.

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