It’s basically there in the title. often we’ll being having sex and shel start saying stuff like “keep going” and “dont stop”, then she’ll suddenly run to the bathroom saying she has to pee. It kinda kills the mood ya know.

It doesn’t happen every time but it happens often enough that I’m starting to wonder if it’s something I’m doing. Am i somehow putting pressure on her bladder or something?

Tried making sure she went to the bathroom first still happened

  1. My wife has this and she was told its tilted uterus or something. Happened after having kids she had a ton of tests done but thats all they found. Its a birth defect sort of with no remedy. She pees about 15 times a day in her 20s.

  2. Often when having penetrative sex if a woman is about to cum it does feel like we need to wee, maybe she’s confusing this feeling with needing a wee?

  3. Maybe she’s a squirter 🤷🏽‍♀️ have you tried talking to her about the possibility?

  4. Your bladder is like RIGHT THERE. it could be that as blood flow increases and things swell, combined with penatration, triggers the urge to urinate.

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