I don’t why he did I’m starting to think there something wrong with me but anyway i playing basketball in my driveway a coach that lives near me pulled to the side of the road and started asking me did I play for a team I said no but I wanted to and he asked why wasn’t I and i said I been homeschooled since covid happened then my dad came outside start talking to him since I didn’t have a phone number he asked for my email and then he said he take me too a game to see how what to do and teach me a little about shooting it’s been six months since then I tried to wave towards him he ignores me he was sitting on a chair facing towards my house and soon I came out he went back inside his house his kid is prob like 5 years old one day he was yelling my name and soon the wife heard it she literally dashed outside and took him In immediately I don’t understand is something wrong with me? I get side eyes and nasty looks in public sometimes idk what I did

  1. I hate to break it to you kid. It’s probably something your parents said to him. Parents have a bad habit of putting all their fears and anxiety onto their kids. This is something that you should be aware of, especially since you are homeschooled. If you want to test this very casually mention to your parents that you want to go back to Public school. Watch and listen to how they react.

  2. Was there an incident with the 5-year-old? Have you had any interactions with their child?

    Sounds odd, honestly.

  3. Nothing you did wrong. But it sounds like there was some kind of agreement between adults that he shouldn’t be talking to you. Maybe your parents are being overprotective, maybe they have some legitimate concern. You can try asking them.

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