18f have a boyfriend 18m.

My mother is absolutely insane when it comes to people not answering the phone. If she’s away and she calls and doesn’t get an answer she throws a massive tantrum screaming that she can’t go anywhere now because she can’t trust us to answer. That there’s an 11 year old in the house (my little brother who just chooses not to answer his phone) and she NEEDS us to answer not to worry.

Context out of the way we were at the stage where my boyfriend was playfully rubbing the tip of his penis along the outside of my vagina, literally just about to stick it at any moment and then the fucking phone rings.

I say sorry (he knows the situation) and answer it and have to talk to her for 5 whole minutes while my boyfriend looks at me in anticipation.

He said it’s fine but I can’t help but feel really rude doing that and it’s ruining the mood for him a little. Because most people probably don’t answer the phone in that situation i can’t help but also think I’m making him feel bad like sex isn’t that importent to me or something when it is.

  1. Don’t think he really cared it probably made him more turned on having to wait to stick it in you.

  2. I’m sure he just enjoyed the view and it didn’t bother him at all, maybe a little frustrated about to put it in and all that but I don’t think he really cared

  3. If I were you, I would not answer the phone, and if you repeat the act with your mother, maybe three or four times, she will change and she will not bother you in this way.

  4. He knows your situation and you know your situation. So don’t be hard on yourself for this. Even though the timing was perfect to the point that he was about to stick it in, be relieved that it didn’t ring midway as you guys are going about it in full swing. That there is a much bigger mood killer than this.

  5. My take away from reading this (feel free to disagree) is that your mother needs to chill out. She needs to accept that you’re an adult (only just) and if you can’t answer immediately, it doesn’t mean something terrible has happened.

    Like one of the other commenters said, the only wait to stop her being like this, is to train it out of her.

    If I had a bf and he answered his phone to his mother during sex, i’d be pretty annoyed.

  6. “Sorry mum, got to be quick, I answered because I knew you’d worry but I’m really horny and (BF) is about to stick his dick in my pussy, so you’ll have to be quick” … might put her off!

  7. This needs to change. Not for sex. For sanity and appropriate boundaries.

    Do you answer while taking a shit?

    You’re an adult. You don’t *have* to answer every call.

  8. fun trick: get on top of him and start riding while trying to carry the conversation without her knowing better. fun and sexy at the same time

  9. If I’m in the middle of something hot and heavy and some woman stops the answer the phone I end that session quick and politely walk her right out the door and bid her good evening there’s no way somebody can’t wait a few minutes

  10. Your mum is emotionally and psychologically abusing everyone, including you. Stop letting that happen.

  11. How about if the phone had no network for some time. Your mum will not throw her tantrums?.

    Guess turn off the phone next time for the duration of the act.

  12. You were in a very awkward situation and he played his part in putting you in that situation. Don’t apologize to him. If he wants to be with you he has to accept you have responsibilities, fair or not.

  13. Your mom needs to get a grip!! Catering to her tantrums only reinforces that behavior. I have a sister in-law that is just like that. It’s very annoying fishing with my brother in-law or nephew and she’s constantly calling.

  14. You need to condition her that you don’t answer her calls. Stop answering all of her calls. You call her when it’s convenient for you. She can throw all the tantrums she wants but she will calm down once she figures out what’s happening

  15. If you allow her to keep acting like this it’s never going to change, might even get worse.

  16. So your mother is ok with going away and leaving a child in your care but not you not answering the phone?

    Sounds like your mother needs to be reminded of that and that you have a life aswell.

  17. This happened to me and my first bf when we were both 18. His parents didn’t throw a fit but he always answered for some reason. He would answer the phone while inside me and I could feel him get soft as he was talking to them. When he was done we would change condoms and start over

    Got very expensive because they somehow always knew to call when we were getting it on

  18. You are being rude to yourself allowing your mother’s anxiety to condition you to this degree. Let her grow up.

  19. I won’t answer the phone if I’m having a convo with someone out of respect to them. I would be super annoyed in this situation. It would be a big deal to me.

  20. You need to talk to your mom about boundaries. You shouldn’t have to pay the price for her issues.

  21. It is time to sit your mom down and explain that you are an adult now, and you will not always answer the phone, because there will be times that you can not answer the phone, such as job, showering, having sex, in a movie theater, at a dr appointment, etc. You get my drift.

    And that you will return her call at an appropriate time that is convenient for you. The world does not revolve around her, and if you do not answer the phone, and when you call her back, and she starts ranting and raving like that you will just immediately hang up on her, and refuse to answer the phone again.

    She can either act like a SANE adult or a lunatic that does not get her way any longer. It can be up to her, but she will have to deal with consequences of her actions.

    Because lets face it, how long will your bf stay with you, if this kind of thing keeps happening. Not long. At least I know I wouldn’t. You need to start putting him as more a priority than your mom at times like that. She is an adult and can deal with it.

  22. Trust me he doesn’t care he’s young. The only thing going through his mind is fucking you once you hang up.

  23. Go read Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents and stop answering the phone like this. Have some respect for yourself.

  24. Yta, this is a reassuring event and you know her antics but you do nothing to rectify it.

  25. In the long run, you are going to need to learn how to establish and maintain boundaries. With an overbearing parent, that can be very challenging while you’re living at home.

    But you can start the process anyway. Perhaps start thinking of scenarios where you would be unable to answer the phone immediately, and use them to establish some soft boundaries. Call her back with something like “Sorry mom, I was in the bathroom and my phone was not with me.” You start by not making her anxiety the guiding light of your life.

  26. Next time tell your boyfriend to keep going when you answer the phone. I wouldn’t make any attempt to be quiet about it either. Just keep fucking while you talk to you mom.

  27. Talk to him about it! With an open approach. Good luck with the situation!

  28. Cant be as bad as when I had just finished in my now wife and was just laying there inside her when my dad called to tell me my grandpa died…

  29. “I’m not responsible for making you feel okay, Mom. If you have that much anxiety about phone calls you may want to work through it with the appropriate help, like a peer, partner, spiritual advisor, or therapist.”

  30. He should go down on you while you are on the phone. It feels a little naughty and encourages you to wrap it up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  31. Stop answering. What if you’re sleeping?? What IF you were shitting and the phone is far? WHAT IF you’re having sex??? Your mom needs to touch grass.

  32. If I’m getting a call from people I care about/they care about me, I don’t care how great the sex is, I’m going to take the call. You never know who might be needing your help. Sex is not more important than someone’s life.

  33. You could’ve avoided the situation by telling your mom you’d call back in a minute. Say you’re in the bathroom or make up a situation.

  34. Turn off your phone during sex. She will survive it. I’ve seen behavior like these ruin relationships. I think there are some moments where you owe it to you and your partner to disconnect. I left a long relationship once because her parents constantly called and begged for her to go to their house out of fucking boredom. It’s not good.

  35. It’s extremely rude, but it’s not your fault. This situation with your mother is ridiculous. Boundaries are a thing. We’re not supposed to be on call for others 24/7. Have you talked to her about this?

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