So I’ve bagged up a dead fox cub killed in the middle of the road so it’s not stinking the area out…anyway didn’t really think about what i’m going to do with it.

No chance im digging a deep enough hole in the garden its rock solid, can I just bin it?

Council wont take foxes and its a sunday anyway.

  1. Call a taxidermist? Could be an interesting conversation piece or bathroom decoration

  2. Wow, finally…

    Well, I mean, what *wouldn’t* I do with a dead fox cub?


  3. This is not meant to be an inflammatory question…

    But why did you pickscrape it off the road in the first place?
    Even if you were the one that squished it, you dont have any obligation to “deal with it”.

    Genuinely curious because most roadkill gets munched by wildlife or is left to turn into a dry pancake before it will wver get stinky enough for anyone to smell it.

    (I come from a relatively “rural” area, so roadkill is fairly common)

  4. Couple of years ago my stepdad came across a dead fox on the road – he scooped it up and gave it a proper Viking burial. Pissed off the neighbours no end, but it was better than digging up a bit of our back garden to bury it (and no doubt our old dog would have been a total prat and dug it back up again) and we even invited my dickhead cousin down to sing a song whilst the cremation was taking place. I don’t quite think *My Heart Will Go On* should be sung at cremations, mind you…

  5. Well what *I’d* do is clean up the skull and put it on my display shelf, and mummify the paws for display, too, but I’m not very skilled yet and I’m sure others could articulate the entire skeleton and/or make a small taxidermy piece.

    You could wrap up the fox really well, stick it in the freezer, and see if there are any vulture culture (hobbyist taxidermists & bone collectors, kinda) Facebook groups with members near you who’d be interested in buying & picking up a fox cub? (Depending on how intact it is, and also your comfort level.)

    Alternatively, just pop it in the bin c:

  6. I would leave it where it was. If it was in my garden prob sling it over the fence into a neighbour’s or the bin!

  7. Bag it, and stick it in the bin, but don’t tell anyone. I say this because there are strict rules (though not neccesarily strictly enforced rules) about the disposal of animal carcases. We used to keep chickens and if one died we were legally supposed to have it disposed of by a licensed contractor or vet. Of course they actually just went straight in the bin. Rules for wildlife might be different but I’d be cautious who you mention it to.

  8. I bagged up two foxes last summer, in both occasions just put them in the bin.

  9. It’s roadkill. You leave it for the fucking crows like a normal person.

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