My FWB doesnt seem to care about boobs play or nipples sucking. It has never been something that she asked me to do nor it has sparked any excitement we I do it.
Is that normal? Is there something that can be done to change that? 👀

  1. >Is that normal?


    >Is there something that can be done to change that?

    If she isn’t into it she isn’t into it.

  2. Women are not monoliths, some women like it, some don’t. There is no “normal”,

  3. Some people have much lower sensitivity in that area than others. It can also change over your life (breast feeding can destroy it)

  4. I have a friend with totally dead nipples. She never feels anything! It is wild. I’m convinced her husband thought she was faking until her second child bit down and drew blood and she only knew because of the pink drool when she went to burp him. She gets NOTHING from any breast touch and mammograms are zero sensation for her.

    Then there is me, my husband can make me squirt from nipple play alone and even a stranger bumping into me in a hallway or elevator can make my nipples erect and send a HELLO SAILOR to my clit.

    Lots of women in between.

  5. 38F
    Breast play has never done anything for me physically, mentally it is nice for your partner to appreciate them and think they sexy. I’m not opposed to them being played with if thats what the other person likes, but my husband isn’t a boob guy anyway, so they get attention but not worshiped.

  6. My wife was never into it, it did nothing for her. I started to tease her and make her smile while I traced my finger lightly around her nipple or pinched and twisted, other times licking slowly of flicking with my tongue and blowing cool air across them. For a long time there was no, or minimal reaction but then they started to react and she started to shutter or giggle. She says she’s never ever had feelings like it before loves that I can give her that new sensation. I feel like it’s a lot like people that say they are not ticklish, they aren’t until you find just the right pressure in just the right place.

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