The symptoms come several hours after sex, usually a day, and I don’t get the symptoms every time they ejaculate in me. The symptom is just the constant burning need to pee, even when there’s nothing in my bladder. It’s uncomfortable to sit, lie down, or do anything because my vagina burns. I’ve been to countless doctors trying to figure this out but I always turn up clear for STDs, UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, you name it. I’ve been on several different antibiotics, none of them did anything. I’m very clean. I shower every other day, and only wash my *area* with unscented soap. After my partner ejaculates in me I immediately clean myself up and sit on the toilet for 10 minutes trying to get everything out. Often times I’ll take a bath directly afterwards to clean myself. The symptoms only happened with 2 partners (both long term boyfriends). I once had symptoms for over a month, with no cure. I’m literally so exhausted by this point. There’s absolutely nothing I can do, I just sit in a bathtub and pee in tiny increments. It eventually goes away, whether in a few days or a month. I know I can just stop having unprotected sex, and I did for 2 years. Eventually with my 2nd long term boyfriend I wanted to try again, and nothing happened for 10 months. Until it happened again now. I just want to be able to experience sex however I want to, but I feel so gross and helpless right now. If anyone has any help or advice please help me. Also any advice to help minimize symptoms, even if there’s no cure.

  1. I would advice not washing with any form of soap as it can mess your PH balance up. Try using just warm water and see what happens. I know where are feminine products that say there safe but you may have a veey sensitive vagina. Using a soap to wash the vulva which is outside area isn’t necessary. And water should only be used for the inside area no matter what. Good luck.

  2. Have you talked to a doctor specifically about this happening after someone ejaculating in you? I’ve heard people with semen allergies who get all sorts of weird reactions ranging from rashes to STI-like symptoms. The allergy is not to the semen itself but to a protein in the semen so apparently you may be have an allergic reaction to semen of one guy but not the next. You can also not have a reaction with the same guy and suddenly have one. Might be worth checking.

  3. Sorry you’re going through this. I think the people saying allergies could be onto something.

  4. My friend had a very similar problem to this where she would get UTI symptoms every time after having sex but all her tests would come back clean. She even had to have a camera up her urethra and they still didn’t find anything but I think in the end they diagnosed it as something called Interstitial Cystitis (sounds very similar to what you have if you google it)

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