Men who pee through the toilet seat instead lifting it up first, why?

  1. Because I am no mere man. I am the American Penis Sniper, Piss Kyle.

  2. Why do you want me to touch the toilet seat then touch my dick? I can piss thru the hole. If I miss, I can wipe it clean the wash my hands

  3. Because I like challenges, sometimes it gets very hard… Aiming though lol

  4. How many of you dudes can’t piss through the enormous hole of a toilet seat?

    Steady, fellas.

  5. Because it’s more convenient to sit on the seat than on the bare china..
    PS mostly I clean the bathrooms..

  6. I’m keeping my marksmanship up for as long as I can πŸ˜‚ I will eventually get to an age where this will be an impossibility. #cherisheverypiss

  7. Makes it easier to do things on my phone, and also, no wee splattering about, possibly getting on my clothes and legs. Especially in summer when wearing shorts that idea is just disgusting.

  8. Maybe they have a partner that wants the seat down and this is the compromise.

  9. Lifted or not, if it splatters I will have to clean anyway!
    Do other men lift it with the idea that if they splatter they can just lower the seat back down and forget about it? I hope not.

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