I am dating a woman I’m a straight very masculine guy. I also really like using dildos and butt plugs on myself… how do I tell my gf that I like this and that I’d like to wear them when we have sex? I’m very nervous as she is not the most kinky and this is kind of frowned upon. Not saying I frown upon it, but I’ve never told ANYONE I do this, need some advice and insight. Thanks

  1. Just ask. If she’s invested she’ll help. You might just be surprised if you just had a heart to heart.

  2. The answer is always “no” to the question you don’t ask

    Try doing something like mojoupgrade.com

  3. Fellow straight dude that likes anal play. For what it’s worth, I find most women are cool with it. Specially if they already have a kink streak. If they have issues with the dominance, have them on their knees for a BJ and do some P-spot play.

    Another thing, is do a couple’s sex quiz like sexionnnaire.com. Ask her to mark down all the stuff she’d be willing to try. See if there’s a match on male butt stuff.

  4. I am the more sexually assertive and kinky between me and my husband. The way it typically goes for us us this…

    Babe, have you ever heard of X?
    Y=what do you think?
    N=I’m really curious and want to watch X porn with you

    Things he initially was not into over time often becomes something he gets into. But slow and steady…I don’t think he’s ever dived right into anything on the kinky side at day one.

  5. It’s important to be completely honest and communicate. There is nothing wrong with liking anal play. Just be open. And it’s something she can try and play with too. Make it about exploring new things with each other.

  6. Do you want to be with someone who negatively judges you for something perfectly normal and innocent that brings you pleasure, that you could both share together in? I wouldn’t want to.

    So when you’re talkin bout sex stuff, tell her you have something that you’ve never told anyone, that you’re kinda shy about, but you want it to be a part of your sex life. It could either mean a lot to her that you’re confiding in her a somewhat sensitive topic and it could unlock a new level of intimacy, or she could be totally turned off by it and you just saved the both of you a lot of time. That’s a win-win.

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