I see a lot of men wistfully talk about the days when they didn’t have to get up five times a night to urinate. Ah well, we are just getting older, it’s inevitable, and this is just part of it, etc. etc.

Why not go see your doctor and peruse any of the million of treatment options for benign prostate hyperplasia instead, if the issue is so common and apparently so problematic? I’m about 20 years away from having BPH, statistically, but I’m intent that, when it shows up, I’ll just get it cut out, or whatever they’ll do by then. Will I change my mind? And why? Is there something I’m not thinking of that keeps many men from addressing this issue?

  1. While I can sleep through the night…. TIL I learned that there’s a thing called BPH (now I have to google for what it means).

  2. A factor might be medical costs. My financial situation is more severe than most so it probably shouldn’t be taken as common, but I am in my thirties and dealing with trouble urinating at night that could be what you said, could be undiagnosed diabetes, could be a whole slew of things but the answer is the same: since I’m broke and uninsured, I can’t go get it looked at, and even if I could I almost certainly can’t afford to get it treated. So at this point it’s basically just a fact of life that I have to live with, like the rest of my medical issues.

  3. The treatments could be as simple as a pill. But it’s a endless battle. Surgery will leave you with a high percentage of incontinence.

    The medication can cause you to change an feel different and lower sex drive to the point of not being able to have an erection.

    Men’s issues get ignored. You would think the NFL would have prostate awareness month instead of breast cancer….

  4. I’m already taking finasteride for my hair, so I’ll probably never develop BPH

  5. Thought I had a bladder issue, because I was peeing 3 or 4 times each night. Turns out I have apnea, and I was walking up due to low oxygen, but my body thought I had to piss. Mid 40’s, back to race horse sized morning pisses.

  6. They lasered my dad and screwed up. Killed half his bladder. Wouldn’t admit it. Eventually he was admitted to the hospital as his THIGH was filling up with urine. He almost died. Then he got a bag.

    It was supposed to be an in and out procedure. My dad was cool and a chill guy and didn’t make a big deal to sue for all the much money he was owed.

    Anyway, maybe it’s statistically unlikely but I know for a fact those doctors knew what they’d done and lied lied lied lied lied for years. I’m not anti doctor at all, for the record. But… man. I don’t think I can swear here or it’ll get deleted so… anyway.

  7. An aside, getting up to pee in the night can be other things too that would need checking, like your blood pressure and blood sugar and heart health.

  8. I mean honestly… i drink so much water and even have a nightly soda before bed that no matter what im gonna have to piss

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