i found a really cute guy I’m interested in on LinkedIn of all places. I’m a 21 year old senior in college and he’s just 2 years older. I was thinking of connecting with him then sending him a message asking to network. He had a similar major to me in college, and I was going to say that I’m interested in working at the company he’s at and ask if he would be willing to hop on a zoom call to answer my questions (i couldn’t care less about the company but i have to get my foot in the door somehow😭). It looks like he lives far from me so there’s no chance of meeting in person, which is fine. After the zoom call, if he says yes, how can I keep in touch with him? I’m hoping that the conversation expands beyond careers if we end up talking, so I can get a feel of if I see things going further, but how can I show that i’m interested if I’m initiating a networking call? I don’t want to ask him out directly, I just want to ask somehow if we can keep in touch via phone numbers or instagram so that we could naturally get to know each other by messaging instead of directly asking him out. but I just don’t know how I can ask without it being weird or without him thinking I only reached out to him via linkedin bc i thought he was cute. any advice?

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