people say vulnerabilities are good to bond over, but how could they be broken down?

one way I can think of is flawed characteristic\personality traits , eg lazy

  1. I think they include flawed characteristics, as you said, but probably also things that make you sad/hurt, past trauma, emotionally exhaustive things, etc. Basically it’s things that would make you vulnerable to share with someone else – they require a bit of trust that the other person won’t use those against you to manipulate or harm you.

  2. I would characterize this as quietly sharing a time you were scared, intimidated, sad, or happy due to something big in your life. Sharing how you felt at that time. I also feel presentation is key, too. Yelling your crazy story of fear like a blowhard, frat boy is not you being vulnerable.

  3. Personal things… something you wouldn’t normally share with just anyone… take time to be vulnerable and vulnerability is for people you trust.

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